Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The meaning behind the massacre

"Hey Mom, I love you... I love you too, Dad. ...Be safe and I'll be back, and you know, be safe while I'm gone. You know, be careful out there on the road. I worry about you guys, too... I'm going to be OK. Everything's going to be OK. I'm going to defend my country. Be proud of me. I love you guys. I know that you love me. I am going to call as much as I can. And, I love you once again. Talk to you later. Goodbye."
The pain is maddening.

But it's just another day for the barbarians. Today's excuse--retaliation for killing Zarqawi. Tomorrow, something else. The urge to kickass must be a fever pitch for our guys.

But before proceeding it might not hurt to know thine enemy a little better. Earlier this year AQ in Iraq morphed into the Mujahideen Shura Council, which by most accounts is a storefront for either bin Laden or the Saddamists, or both. Their nom de guerre spokesgoon, al-Baghdadi, was supposedly an ex-member of the Republican Guard. No one seems to know much about him, but no one knew much about Ramzi Yousef, either.

Consider reading through this analysis of UBL's 12/1/04 audiotape regards Iraq by Dan Darling. When discussing bin Laden's references to Saddam, Darling puts it this way, "he's a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch!"

Why the fixation with Saddam? It goes to purpose. As Darling points out, bin Laden made an effort in the tape to gather all the AQ factions under one umbrella banner, even if it contained Ba'athists. When Saddam gets anywhere near a microphone he talks about the same thing--unity. The Shura Council crystalizes that message of teamwork.

Some may say that Saddam only glommed on to al Qaeda at the last minute out of sheer desperation. It could well be the other way around, but the evidence generally suggests the glomming occurred prior to 9/11.

But most follow conventional wisdom, therefore if popular the opinion rules and we choose Murtha's yellow brick road of retreat (the horizon is now Okinawa) they might as well pull up stakes in Afghanistan, too. The causes are exactly the same.


Is what this is.

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