Friday, July 24, 2009

Cambridge Police Should Invite Obama and Gates

Instead of forcing the white police officer to attend what would have to be awkward moment at the White House with Obama and his professor pal Gates, or worse--be forced to turn down the offer and suffer the wrath of the media while making Obama look magnanimous by comparison, perhaps the Cambridge Police could invite Obama and Gates to attend a police function somewhere in the city. Do they still have Policeman's Balls? Or maybe a Just Say No seminar, or whatever they are called today.

Don't misunderstand--it's good the president backtracked off Robert Gibbs' Friday morning comments suggesting the police were a bunch of typical bitter McCain clingers. Bush never apologized for anything until forced by the press late in his second term when he was busy both wrecking and saving the economy. And never mind that Obama's comment wasn't technically an apology, it was close enough for government work.

But it's over. We can now get back to the important things, like news of Sarah Palin and her approval numbers upon leaving office (but not about her ahem, "independent" detractors) and of course, Dick Cheney.


Maybe Obama's still ticked off about all those parking tickets. And good grief,
Bizarrely, he and the Cambridge, MA, officer who arrested him, James Crowley, both trace their ancestry back to the legendary Niall of the Nine Hostages, a famous Irish chieftain.
He's a Mc. No wonder. He was probably drunk.


Anonymous said...

President Obama has foot in mouth disease. Make that both feet in mouth disease. Personally I think this unscripted moment was very good for America. It showed white Americans who he really is in an unguarded, unscripted moment. I suspect they'll remember the moment too in 2010 and especially 2012. Obama will be a one-term President, because elephants never forget and all those crossover white elephants who voted for him in 2008 will not forget how Officer Crowley was publicly chastised for acting "stupidly" in the performance of his duties. The officers were called to his house, because a break in was reported. Gates broke into his own house to get something and his neighbors reported it as a break in. The police asked Gates to identify himself and show proof of ID. He went ballistic. The officer followed procedure and arrested him. The police tapes will show Gates was uncooperative and hostile and disturbing the peace. Now his lawyer is threatening to try to expose Crowley, whose record is distinguished, for past offenses against minorities during their arrests. Like I said, 2010 and 2012 will move America back to center or right of center, because enough white independent voters who voted democrat in 2008 won't do that again after this fine, white male officer was cited for acting "stupidly" by an Ivy League black male lawyer who became our 44th President without learning to get all his facts straight before casting judgments stereotypically.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Doesn't Obama have a lot more important things to do than get involved in a local police matter?

Mr. President - you're not a community leader in Chicago anymore and those of us that voted for you would like you to focus on fixing a much flawed foreign policy along with other NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL issues. Personally, I don't care about Gates and the Cambridge police and neither should you!

Anonymous said...

A half-baked apology from a half-baked president who should have never entered the fray. He chose to play the race card, rather than remaining objective; now he wears the egg on his face. The officer should reject the offer to come to the White House, as it is merely a political ruse by the Obama administration to smooth things over. BS.

Anonymous said...

What bothers me most about this story is when I heard the press conference President Obama said that he didn't know all the facts, but then went on to make a judgment and criticize the Cambridge police department. If our president is going to make judgments and decisions without knowing all the facts then we are really in trouble!

Anonymous said...

The media is not even coming slightly close to the real issue here and that is that our president made a comment based of racial beliefs not facts of a issue. Our president should be telling Gates and everyone else that they need to respect our law enforcers, not put out the message that if you scream race you can get away with anything....If I a middle aged white man did this I tooo would be in jail, difference is I would still be there because I was not black and politically connected to the president chicago style. Our president when asked about this issue should have said I do not know the details and can nt comment at this time....PERIOD. but now he has to make a decission, stand behind our officers all over the country, or side with black extremist, which he has already done....he can not win either way....a meeting of the two only makes it look like there were racial undertones to the arrest...Gates should still be in jail the racdist rude arrigant son of a b.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't a "so-called" intelligent man such as Gates know how to treat an officer while an officer is at home because a call was made regarding a potential break in? Gates wants to be treated with respect and without racial profile, yet he racially profiled the officer. What example does he set that he challenges an officer? This wasn't a random pullover in a car, this was a call made by a neighbor who had some concern. I wonder if Crowley was African American, would we would be having this discussion? I think he would have showed a lot more respect to an African American officer. I hear the other officer was African American, however, Crowley was handling it.

Anonymous said...

I think Gates is a racist idiot who will search long and hard to find some thugs who were "wronged" by this police officer because he dared to arrest them for dealing or assault or breaking and entering.

I seriously question the intelligence of the President of the United States for supporting such a bigot when he made racially divisive statements on a situation he did not have all the facts on. That was ignorant. I seriously question the President's motives and his decision making abilities.

Gates has stated that he will not let this issue go and I assure you that I will not either. I will remember this during the next election.

Anonymous said...

I am continuing to get angrier and angrier as I find out more about this Gates guy was so this and that! He showed his ignorance as soon as he defied authority. No wonder our younger generation of African Americans have come to think they are above the law.

Mark Jeffery Koch said...

It's good to know that driving while Black is now in second place to entering your own home when Black!

There seems to be a pattern of Black men returning to their homes after work, a night out, or after going to the supermarket or shopping mall. They come home to their homes expecting to enter normally as the white folks do but thanks to their scared to death good White neighbors who call the police they are handcuffed, arrested and prevented from entering. Whatever made Black men think they had a right to enter their own homes without being harassed by the police?

The good news is that they are eventually released so the same police can stop them when they are in the cars for driving while Black. Thankfully, the cops are able to prevent Black men from entering their own homes now too. What a color blind society we live in! Makes you feel glad these same brilliant folks are our front line in the war against terrorism, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

All, get real! Like it or not Obama IS PRESIDENT!!!!! All this proves is that racism is very well alive in America and needs to be addressed. This brouhaha should have never been allowed to get this far. There is NO CRIME here and the people involved are not criminals. How ever I find the police department of Cambridge and other police organizations to be whinny. It shows that they have no thick skins. I do think the police should be held to a higher standard because of what they do. False arrest, false incarcerations, tampered evidence, crooked cops. It is a reality that they must deal with. Most often than not it involves a minority accused of some horrific crime that they did not commit. On the one hand they act all tough and unbending but on the other they become whinny little kids. Please the cop and the professor need to go to the WH and meet the president, come out and announce and end to this very stupid affair.

Anonymous said...

I think Obama as president has every right to get involved in anything he thinks he needs to. That's what a leader does. Has anyone looked at this cop's picture. The arrogance his face shows. I have respect for cops just like the next guy, but come on people this man did not look like a robber and not only that is a police offer not supposed to reveal his badge number and name especially when asked for it. The officer knew he should have given it but alas, he didn't want to. I'm not racist, I'm just sick of police officers using their power to harass people. Big deal he gave mouth to mouth to Reggie when he collapsed isn't that his job? So what does that prove he's not a racist, hardly. The cops did act stupidly, when a citizen is upset, it is my understanding that cops are trained to keep a level head, that does not seem to be the case here, then when they get caught doing something they shouldn't they try to blame others and the sad thing is they all stick together, ugh makes me sick. Crowley and Gates were both wrong, Gates felt attacked in his own home, which any of us white or black would have felt, and he got angry to have to defend himself for doing what many of us have done when our keys or doors get jammed. Yet, Crowley, lost his cool, he should of said my badge number is this, my name is this, please feel free to contact anyone about this incident. Now the whiner wants an apology from the president who has way better things to do then worry about offending someone with a word, come on, Crowley obviously offends citizens every day, who knows, he could say something uncouth to a teller, a grocery clerk, but no one cries about it, they just accept it. Crowley did act stupidly, he just needs to move on,as far as the reporters, he brought it on himself. If he would leave it alone, they would have been gone already.

roland olsen said...

Gates and Obama have Tawana Brawley-ed Crowley. Obama's prejudgement and Gates tirade are good examples of how the race industry in this country are inbreeding racism in the black community for their own profit and gain.

Anonymous said...

If Obama needs to get involved in break-ins, this county is in deep trouble. The racism is again the white man these days. Whites have tried to right a wrong that we had no control over. Most of us weren't even born during the slave days. We try to teach forgiveness and move, on but blacks can't do that. I say move if you don't like it. I didn't vote for Obama and never will. I believe in equal opportunity for all. Lets start an all white college and see where that gets us.

Unknown said...

Was yesterday Obama's 'jump the shark day?'
You can read about it here, and stick around for more good content.

LA Sunset said...

There is no need for any mediation, whatsoever. None.

Gates was wrong and he needs shut his mouth, before he ends up in court for defamation of character. Each time Gates continues to pound the racial profiling issue, more evidence shows up supporting the officer's version of the event. The more he shows his ignorance, the more evidence Crowley's attorney can gather.

The only reason Obama wants to mediate a situation which requires none is to save face for his bonehead remarks. Obama was supposed to heal the chasm that exists between the races, but have you noticed that he has pushed gulf wider? Obama unites nothing and divides everything.

If I were Obama and Gates, I'd leave this alone. The police unions are pretty powerful and I would be reluctant to piss them off. Gates would do well to cease and desist because, if he leaves home again his house may be burglarized, knowing that the cops will probably be slow to respond after the neighbors are slow to report it.

Gates is nothing more than an ungrateful racist bigot and that's the family version, because I respect your blog too much.

Anonymous said...

Obama's comments were right on the mark. He had his facts straight and he told us like it is. He should not need to apologize. He certainly should not be wasting his very valuable time on what has now become political spin control.

What should happen is that this police officer should be disciplined and the city of Cambridge order it's police department to review its procedures. IN any event, it is a local matter and should not involve the Office of the President of the United States in any way.

Obama must stop allowing the media to direct his agenda.

LA Sunset said...

//I think Obama as president has every right to get involved in anything he thinks he needs to.

Sure, why not?

Maybe he could start with you and what your deficiencies are in life.

Maybe he could send his thugs to your house to inspect and see if you are a good citizen of the state.

Maybe he can stick his nose into your private life, and put his stamp of approval on it.

Sound good to you?

summarize said...

Reverend Wright

Epictetus, before the bible, taught be careful of the company you keep as they may sculpt your beliefs.
CNN your reporting is pathetic.
Investigate, analyze, AND DO NOT SENSATIONALIZE. How dare you further Gates position before the truth was known?

LA Sunset said...

//Obama's comments were right on the mark. He had his facts straight and he told us like it is. He should not need to apologize.//

Let's review.

Obama said he didn't know all of the facts and then said the police acted stupidly.

So help me understand something. How can you not know all of the facts and still make a determination of how one party may or may not have acted?

This sounds like a textbook example of "prejudging" a situation, which is how the word, "prejudice" evolved.

So if Obama prejudged, it's safe to say he is prejudiced, which means he is bigoted, which means he is racist. I guess his true colors are beginning to surface and you are not focused enough to see them.

Anonymous said...

Obama is setting race relations back 150 years. He is undoing Dr King's work and working hard at undoing Abe Lincoln's work. He could put this country in civil war. He needs to apologize to the American people and to the police officer who should not go to the WH. That would be a symbol accepting Obama's racists position.

Anonymous said...

“In my choice of words I think I, unfortunately, gave an impression that I was maligning the Cambridge police department or Sergeant Crowley specifically,” said Obama, adding he believes both men are “good people” who did not resolve the incident the way they should have.

President Obama had spoken without regards to the facts, as well as admittedly stating his opinion may be bias because Prof. Henry Louise Gates is a friend when asked at his primetime White House news conference on healthcare reform. I was shell shocked by President Obama’s statement” the Cambridge police acted stupidly when arresting Prof. Gates “after establishing Prof. Gates as the home owner. Stupid has never been an amicable word, especially when reference to an extremely sensitive subject, yet blown out of proportion and hyped by the mainstream media “obsession,” makes for good journal sensationalism and hush conversation around the water cooler. I read many opinions on various websites blogs and online news commentaries, and what initially was most striking were comments directed by the President’s “overall statement that was taken out of context;” the statement was geared ONLY towards Stg. Crowley NOT the entire police department like statements implied by police unions and by Cambridge Police Superior Officer Association Dennis O’Connor, as well as comments made by Sgt. Crowley’s colleagues, such remarks have calculated connotations; parading Stg. James Crowley as their poster child to further instigate a poorly and yes, regrettable STUPID comments made by President Obama to incite further aggression and wedge racial tension between the police and the black community. The last time I checked, raising your voice to a police officer does not constitute for any unlawfully arrests.

I believed both Stg. Crowley and Prof. Gates allow ego to dictate consequential improprieties which escalated into asinine behavior. I’ve read Stg. Crowley police affidavit, it’s obviously apparent Stg. Crowley intended to bait Prof. Gates into going outside, knowing inside the professor’s home he had NO JURISDICTION to arrest Prof. Gates on the grounds of the professor’s temper tantrum, hissy fit; but once outside Prof. Gates was immediately arrested for alleged “Disorderly Conduct.” After spending four hours in jail Prof. Gates was released on his own cognizance and ultimately the disorderly conduct charge was dropped by the city of Cambridge and Cambridge DA office, calling the incident regrettable and unfortunate. While it is well noted in Stg. Crowley’s police affidavit that Prof. Gates’ behavior was “tumultuous” - so disturbing that a crowd of on lookers had gathered. This is argumentative in proving beyond a reasonable doubt Prof. Gates yelling attributed to curious gawkers or whether the presence of numerous police officers and police cruisers that had descended upon a quiet neighborhood were the cause. According to Massachusetts Disorderly Conduct Laws are defined as follows:

'A person is guilty of disorderly conduct if, with purpose to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof, he:

(a) in fighting or threatening, or in violent or tumultuous behavior; or

(b) makes unreasonable noise or offensively coarse utterance, gesture or display, or addresses abusive language to any person present; or

(c) creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act which serves no legitimate purpose of the actor. `Public' means affecting or likely to affect persons in a place to which the public or a substantial group has access.'. . .
(3) disrupts a lawful assembly of persons;
commits disorderly conduct. . .
Interesting article: Woman arrested in a Starbucks in Cambridge, MA for disorderly conduct when she complained about the amount of foam in her latte.

CNN iReport:

A.C. McCloud said...

Has anyone looked at this cop's picture. The arrogance his face shows. I have respect for cops just like the next guy, but come on people this man did not look like a robber

Nice. Can you tell us if he also eats baked puppies and broiled kittens as well?

Anonymous said...

From what I understand of this indicent, the local Police were called by a neighbor, reporting a "break-in".
Does one not know their neighbors?
Perhaps this is where we should start.

A.C. McCloud said...

So if Obama prejudged, it's safe to say he is prejudiced, which means he is bigoted, which means he is racist. I guess his true colors are beginning to surface and you are not focused enough to see them.

His colors were showing back when he called his poor sick grandma a typical white woman after baldface lying about his church.

Hmm. Well, if Obama actually thinks he's healing America's white racism by jumping to conclusions about a local police matter perhaps next he'll tackle the ugliness of people judging others of their own race by appearances. He can start with the derangement over Sarah Palin, that is if he's not too tired from lowering sea levels and such.

Anonymous said...

I think gates should go to the white house to meet with obama to discuss how they are going to apologize to the Cambridge police department and the American people for this perfect example of racial profiling.

Cathy Linkenhoker said...

I have never considered myself racist. The definition of racism - Any attitude, action or institutional structure which systematically treats an individual or group of individuals differently because of their race.
Ever since this issue with Gates the word "racism" has been used to many times to count. I was watching CNN yesterday afternoon and they had a African American to be questioned or interviewed about the topic of Gates. He kept referring to Caucasians as "white Americans" Now what If I went on TV and started to talk about "black Americans"? They would be hitting the phones because I used the word "Black". This is not about the arrest at all. I believe if a "White American" would have been yelling at a police officer while the officer was just trying to do his job, he would have been arrested as well. BUT because Gates was an "African American" It has become a Racial War! Every person I have seen on the News asked about the Gates situation they have been African Americans lashing out at Caucasians. This is racism! The have a show called back in America and Black in America 2 is Racism! I've never heard of Caucasian in America. Or Indian in America, Irish in America, etc. Or How about the NAACP??? What if the Caucasians had such a thing? WE WOULD BE CALLED RACIST, but its okay for African Americans... And All African American Schools, if we opened an all Caucasian school it would be racist! I am outraged and you will be hearing more from me! I will fight for the right to not be called racist because of my skin color and show who the real racism comes from. Gates has started a Racial War with the help of Obama and I plan on being on the front lines to fight! I am so tired of African Americans have a “pity-party” all the time! Grow up it is 2009! Slaver and separation has been over for a LONG time! The only “racist” that won’t let go of the past and move on is AFRICAN AMERICANS. I have many African American friends and we all agree this has to end or it will go on forever!

Don said...

Homeowners may have to select a preference to the law officer that responds to their house. Sound stupid? Well it is not any more so than yesterdays news cycle. I know that hte police will have to summit to more race relations training. I wonder if Professor Gates with have to teach a course on reverse discrimination

Anonymous said...

I am a minority myself, but could confidently say that the professor is the one who played the race card and did the profiling. I wonder if he would have been so billigerent if it were a black police officer just trying to do his job. Shame on you Obama for getting involved, just because it is your friend. Get back to the nation's business of fixing the many problems we face, please!

Anonymous said...

If anyone is scratching their heads and attempting to figure out how in the world a man like Barack Obama ever became president, here’s your answer:

I think Obama as president has every right to get involved in anything he thinks he needs to. That's what a leader does. Has anyone looked at this cop's picture. The arrogance his face shows.

Don’t confuse this person with the facts, because just looking at the picture of that arrogant cop is enough to pronounce that he is a racist. And don’t worry about that little thing called the United States Constitution that clearly establishes federalism and delineates what belongs to the federal government and that which is reserved to the states. The principle example of leadership by the president is that he obeys the law; our Constitution is our founding law.

Yes, there continues to be racism in this country; most of it practiced by blacks who (like Gates) makes a good living by perpetuating the myth of white oppression. People like the commenter (above) deserve Barack Obama; the rest of us deserve much better.

Anonymous said...

As an older Black Man, I was never more proud than when Barack Obama was sworn in as our President. Months later, I'm extremely disappointed in our President, the Governor, and Professor Gates.

It appears that Professor Gates reacted poorly to a police officer trying to do his job and return home safely to his family. Without the facts, our President and the Governor quickly assumed that Professor Gates had been wronged. I see this with so many Black men today.

They, and I, grew up as victims of racism and it'll never be forgotten. All 3 of them overcame that racism and made something of themselves. But all 3 of them still have the same ugly chip on their shoulder. That chip says "I'm a Black Man in America. I was oppressed so you need to treat me with more respect. I was oppressed so you need to treat me better. If you disagree, you're trying to oppress me and all of my brothers again."

In his NAACP speech, President Obama spoke about responsibility and accountability. Mr. President, Mr. Governor, and Mr. Gates, it's time to be responsible for your own actions and your own words. In the Navy, a real man would say "I fouled up". If our great country is to survive, we need fewer Black Men and fewer White Men - we need Real Men.

A.C. McCloud said...

I am a minority myself, but could confidently say that the professor is the one who played the race card and did the profiling. I wonder if he would have been so billigerent if it were a black police officer just trying to do his job. Shame on you Obama for getting involved, just because it is your friend. Get back to the nation's business of fixing the many problems we face, please!

Correct, Gates was himself profiling. I can understand the man being upset if the cops wanted to come in and look around, but it was the attitude that got the best of him.

But big deal--local story. Obama is the one that elevated it. And I'd like to know whether Lynn Sweet, from his old hometown, was urged to ask that question or whether Obama knew it was coming in the presser. Nobody is talking about the failed health care bill and the Blue Dogs war against Pelosi, etc.

And now the Times pulls another leak about Bush/Cheney.

Unknown said...

I can't stand Obama... I think his policies are going to send this country to... well hell. His a typical liberal that spends without any foresight or vision of how this is going to effect, EVERYBODY! However I applaud him for acknowledging his part in this and reaching his hand out to each of them and bringing them together to resolve this issue. I wish more race mongers would do the same instead of putting gasoline on a small flame that is trying to be put out.

Anonymous said...

Obama didn't "elevate" this story. It was already getting national coverage before he ever opened his mouth on the subject. When he did, Obama did make a big mistake, but that doesn't mean that he's a terrible president. It just means that he's human. Gates is his friend, and Gates had no history of this kind of behavior, so Obama felt safe in siding with him. Unfortunately, Obama didn't know his friend well enough. My guess is that he listened to the Cambridge Police Department tapes of the incident and he now knows that his friend the "renowned scholar" is an absolute jerk who was responsible for the whole problem. Hence, Obama's phone call and apparent apology to Sgt. Crowley. People who are now condemning the President for his impulsive and ill-advised "stupidly" comment didn't need this situation to hate Obama. It just gives them another thing to whine about.

Anonymous said...

i believe police officers are trained to act as the adult in the room and that is regardless of the race of the citizens they are in contact with

A.C. McCloud said...

They, and I, grew up as victims of racism and it'll never be forgotten. All 3 of them overcame that racism and made something of themselves. But all 3 of them still have the same ugly chip on their shoulder. That chip says "I'm a Black Man in America. I was oppressed so you need to treat me with more respect. I was oppressed so you need to treat me better. If you disagree, you're trying to oppress me and all of my brothers again."

Hard for me to say, but do you think Obama suffered the same treatment as you or other blacks in the CONUS when growing up in Indonesia and Hawaii? To me this is rooted in his indoctrination with Frank Marshall Davis and Jeremiah Wright and the like. During the campaign Al Sharpton criticized Obama for not being black enough, ie, wasn't there for the struggle.

In his NAACP speech, President Obama spoke about responsibility and accountability. Mr. President, Mr. Governor, and Mr. Gates, it's time to be responsible for your own actions and your own words. In the Navy, a real man would say "I fouled up". If our great country is to survive, we need fewer Black Men and fewer White Men - we need Real Men.

Well said (and thanks for your service). Here's something that speaks to that very notion..

Morgan Freeman talks to Mike Wallace about race

Anonymous said...

We have a double standard in this country when it referrers to racism: racism is a two way street and we are all guilty of it in one form or another and to say you are not racist is to say you are without sin. In America it is ok for a black man to be openly racist and not ok for a white man. President obama is the perfect example, just think if the former president pulled the race card. We would have riots and destruction in the streets. Burn baby burn……….

Anonymous said...

I expect a loony professor to pull the race card but the president of the United States to pull the race card is beyond words. I think his experience and knowledge is the equivalent of a local city councilman
I think gates should go to the white house to meet with obama to discuss how they are going to apologize to the Cambridge police department and the American people for this perfect example of racial profiling.

A.C. McCloud said...

Obama didn't "elevate" this story. It was already getting national coverage before he ever opened his mouth on the subject.

John, I respectfully disagree. Whenever a president talks about something, anything, it becomes elevated. The story was making the rounds but it wasn't to the level of Duke Lacrosse or Jena, etc.

As to this:
People who are now condemning the President for his impulsive and ill-advised "stupidly" comment didn't need this situation to hate Obama. It just gives them another thing to whine about.

That brush is far too broad. There are people who support Obama not supporting his comment. The right will of course may hay with this just like the tolerant lefties going after Palin. That's politics, and it was the same back in 1787 (with less media).

This is mainly a political blog. My interest peaked when team Obama did a 180 yesterday, which smelled more like tactics than conciliation. Inviting the officer to the White House was a brilliant tactical move, IMO.

~Leslie said...

The meeting is also another way Obama can try to make himself look like the "Great Uniter" without really uniting anyone. He had no right to make any comment about this issue, especially without knowing the facts. It goes to show the thread of racism inside himself and his beliefs that the White man is only holding down all other ethnicities. It is amazing, since Obama is half white --the disdain he holds for part of his own heritage.

The fact remains --black or white-- if a neighbor saw someone trying to break into a house and called the police, the police should come and investigate. If I forgot my key and was trying to get into my house and my neighbor didn't recognize me as the owner and called the police, I would not have any problem with proving my identity to the police when they arrived.

The questiong is: Why did Gates get so irate? Why wasn't he relieved to know that the police are ready and willing to protect the community --which is the job they chose to do? Gates acted pompously. I wouldn't care if this story involved a white professor, asian professor or a black professor etc. the professor could have avoided the whole event by calmly showing proof that he was the resident of the home.

Any police officer faced with a person acting suspiciously and acting with hostility toward the police would have done the same thing. This is what the police are trained to do. They put their lives on the line to protect citizens. Crowley responded to a breaking and entering call; he had no idea what he was walking in to, if it would involve danger to his own life etc. Yet he responded to the call.

To call any of this racism on the part of Officer Crowley is an injustice. Racism is perpetuated by the people who continue to fear monger by using the RACE CARD and acting like victims.

Anonymous said...

There is no rational defense for the cop--plain and simple.

Those that do of course are usually the typical racist that is so prejudice they don't even realize it.

All this venom spewed by the "center-right" sounds to me like a watered down version of white power--it just goes to show how incredible a feat it is to have our 1st black president-so much bitterness, hatred, ignorance and hatred--it's almost mind numbing-but I have to rememeber we are in the home of good ol' fashioned racism-hell even by minorities themselves-it's the global mind view that the lighter the skin the better it has been ingrained into the psyche very well by the dominant system.

There is no gray here.

It is not illegal to verbally abuse cops.

There was no proper procedure here--the cop used a knowingly trumped up charge that was summarily dismissed just to win a pi$$ing contest. He abused his power and became a thug with a badge because he got his lil' feelings hurt and had to come out on top by imprisoning the professor for a few hours-"That'll show him whose boss!!!"

The cop wasn't racist just another pig abusing his power and "knew" no one would challenge him because Gates is black. BOY WAS HE WRONG!!! LAWL

I hope Gates sues the crap out of both the cop and the precinct just to make a point that a thug shouldn't abuse his power to win an argument.

Anonymous said...

Both the President and Mr. Gates should apologize for this incident. "Prof." Gates could not be more wrong in this situation and should be ashamed trying to make this a race issue. If he is as "smart" and esteemed as everyone wants to make him how did he get into this situation? Mr. Gates got EXACTLY what he deserved in this situation. When the police show up to your house be polite and professional and not an ass-hat like Mr. Gates was. What an idiot! Boy the quality of instruction at Harvard has really gone down hill if this is the best they have now!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous-- It absolutely is illegal to abuse police officers verbally when they are responding to a report of a crime in progress. and that sort of behavior will get you taken into custody 9 out of 10 times. I don't know where you learned that police have to absorb verbal abuse when they're investigating a potential crime, but it wasn't in the United States. Interfering with an officer, either physically or verbally, when he is trying to perform his duty is an arrestable offense. The charges against Dr. Gates were dropped for strictly political reasons and I commend the department for backing away from what obviously would have been a horrifically divisive arraignment.

A.C. McCloud said...

There is no rational defense for the cop--plain and simple.

Those that do of course are usually the typical racist that is so prejudice they don't even realize it.

You may want to actually read the comments because I'm pretty sure you've just insulted a few non-white participants.

And "pig"? Who are you, Patty Hearst?

Anonymous said...

Why does every one always bring up the race card for? why does what happened centuries ago still apply now , this is simply not true. you me en to tell me gates was arrested because he was black? what a right out lie, so a white man or a man of any other color would of got off. Nothing could be further from reality. I'm a white Italian man who makes 20 thousand a year ,so if i did that i would of had a slap on the wrist and any other white person also a slap on the WRIST,What bull, the laws in this country apply to both , yes the past there were many injustices to the beautiful black people God has created, along with the beautiful Italian people along with the Irish, polish, Greek, Jews, Hispanics, look at the history of the world, hate is not formed against one group going hard after another group, hate and evil are the norm of human beings, in history world wars have killed millions of Germans, Italians, Africans, poles, Russians, don't play that race card with people who can reason. I being Italian what card can i play? i was fired many time by white employers, i have been abused by white people, the most damage to my life was myself, and the people i hung with, so what card do i use? there is no card. point made. And because we are sinners in need of Christ. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Jesus loves us all and died for us all, there are black people like Jesse Jackson, and AL sharp ten, who hate white people along with Farrakhan and there are many black militants that would like nothing better then to kill millions of Jews and white , why are they not called racists?. there is black on black crime , white on white crime, brown on brown crime, in japan what is the crime rate there?, in north Korea? in Rwanda? was it not the millions of tut sis killed by the black Hutu's ,in the Arab countries who kills who? ,the suicide killings in Iran, Iraq, look at the way the Islam kills, no my friends no race card in the world, its the sin card. and the only cure is Jesus, who is willing and wanting to forgive all of us for our sins, now that's the truth. People have to learn to accept responsibility for the actions one does, no one makes another kill in america, the police do a great job for the most part there are millions of people in jail of all color, because of the crimes they commited, we all live in this world .Dont play the race card with people who can reason. One only has to look at the history of slavery , Who can deny that was a grave evil ,was not the killing of 6 million jews very evil also ,but you never hear jackson and sharpton say any thing about it. well WHAT does Farrakhan have to say .he is the most devilsh hate monger of all. could you imagine if another person of white decent says what he says, what would happen?. every one has faced injustice in this world ., dont play the race card with one who could reason. look at the race baiting that Jackson and Sharpton do. Could one day go on in their lives where they dont talk about it and inflame people with right out lies. You think they can enjoy a baseball game, or a picnic in the park , but no they race bait everyday of their lives. They mislead people by the millions. Every group that came to this country faced bad schools, bad housing, bad everything ,dont pick one group against another. its not race, its sin .Jesus called it sin, when jesus died on the cross for us, he did not play the race card, he took the sins of the whole world upon him. WE ARE TO REPENT OF OUR OWN SINS TO HIM .NOT THE SINS OF OTHERS

Anonymous said...

I am a doctor, and have seen clear episodes of racism. Interestingly, there are some that are clearly from the african-americans. For example an african american patient who does not want to be treated by and african american doctor, but only a white doctor. Also there are episodes where the "race card" is used all to frequently... such as trying to get up to the top floor in a hospital to get to a critical patient who is african american, and 2 residents (one white, one black) who ask a transporter to let us use the elevator for an emergency and being called racist for trying to deal with a medical emergency. There are clear-cut episodes of racism that must be dealt with but we must also educate the african-american population that some things are just NOT racism, but have appropriate reasons for happening that have nothing to do with race. I suspect that in this case Dr. Gates was upset about not being able to get into his house and didn't focus on the fact that someone was trying to protect his house and called in a suspicious case to the police. He just may have been to fast to use the "race card", and this needs to be addressed too. I suspect that it is much more frequently the other way around, but in this case it may not have been racism.

LA Sunset said...

//I hope Gates sues the crap out of both the cop and the precinct just to make a point that a thug shouldn't abuse his power to win an argument.//

I can see you have not even a basic understanding of the law. If anyone has a case. it is Sgt Crowley against the racist and bigoted Prof. Gates....for defamation of character.

Nice try though. Oh and one other thing --- your hate will consume you one day, just like Gates's hate has just consumed him. Good luck with that.

LA Sunset said...

Nice job AC of landing a big one in you lap. Where did all of these people come from?

Unknown said...

I am glad Obama had the stomach to tell us the truth that our own stupidity is on our way from making a progress in race relations in this country. I still vividly remember as a young boy when the king of Ethiopia made a speach at the newly established United Nations Assembly the following statement:"Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph." - HIM Haile-Selassie. So if not Obama who would? confront the evil in us.

Anonymous said...

Obama - Stop wasting my tax dollars and do some real work.

Anonymous said...

President Obama is guilty of "reverse" racial profiling by assuming, without any facts, that the white police officer was a bigot.

Anonymous said...

So right! I guess the 20 years of sitting in the pew did wear off on him!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Who are some of you people on here to tell the President what he should or should not be saying? For the record, he did not just weigh in on the issue out of nowhere, he was asked the question..and he can address anything he seems fit to regardless of how small or big when it comes to this nation, HIS nation...HE'S THE PRESIDENT!

I have to say, I didn't vote for Obama, but I have never seen such blantent ignorance when it comes to that man. All this has turned into is a bunch of people waiting on the sidelines to attack the President at any given chance. Its pathetic. The fact of the matter is that Both Gates and this Officer were probably both out of hand..and this auther looks silly acting as if the Officer was the victim when they both could have possibly handled things differently. And for the Cambridge Police station to try to turn this into a pitty party for them is ridiculous. This entire situation has gotten out of control. This is not about the President, rather then a nation full of a bunch of cry babies and ignorance.

Before Obama came back out yesturday, I sat back and watched the Police Cheif demand an apology from the President..I almost fell out of my seat when he demanded that a President apoligize. Is this same police cheif going to apologize for Killion, the head of their union, stating he is 'disgraced' that Obama is our commander and chief? Those words were far harsher then Obamas.

Im not sure if it is that this President is young or that he is bi-racial or that he seems so personable that some people in this country think that they can address him however they feel like..but I have noticed a trend that some people do not know how to address this President in a respectful manner and it makes me uncomfortible. Bottomline is that Police Chief was out of line demanding anything from a President..he would have been better off saying he respectfully disagreed with the President and wished the President would have waited to see all the facts...but for him to demand a President apoligize was outrageous. My 70 yr old white REPUBLICAN grandfather seen that and he was stunned.

I dont care how some people think about his Policies, you address Obama in a respectful manner..which means when he walks into a room NOBODY address him the way he needs to be addressed. I find it odd that Obama can speak so freely about culture and race abroad in other countries but god forbid he takes the side of his elderly friend that happens to be black and all hell breaks loose. This entire situation is very telling and i'll say to all the people both black and white that aren't racist need to stick by this President because its apperent that this is not about 'Black vs White" its about 'respect vs ignorance'. I dont agree with all this President has done policy wise, but I appreciate his determination to always be the bigger man even in the face of ignorance and should he get this economy moving again and continue to be a good representative for the US around the world..he may have just won my vote. You dont have to be a Democrat or republican to not like what we are witnissing. I am tired of this ignorance, its dangerous for this country.

Anonymous said...

I guess if you are a Black man and do stupid things you get a record deal, a gold coffin. elected President or an invitation to the White House. Conversely, if you do something right and you are White man you usually get ignored unless it serves another higher purpose, like giving minorities more rights than majorities.

Anonymous said...

Cathy Linkenholker said:

"Gates has started a Racial War with the help of Obama and I plan on being on the front lines to fight"!

^ This comment right here proves why this country is going downhill. The only people that want to start race wars are people that are sitting on the side lines waiting for one. This President never mentioned that this was about race in his initial comments. Some of you are pathetic and the sad part is you dont even know it. I can't speak for Gates, becuase he more then likely got out of control, but the fact that some people on both sides are so unwilling to look at both sides of this and put themselves in either situation is unfortounate.

If you claim yopu are ready to fight..then I highly suggest you chose wisely on which side you'll be on. Because its not going to be black people vs white people this time around its going to be bigots vs equality. Im white and I dont like what I see going on on both sides, specifically people that are so eager to attack this President simply because he is bi-racial. You are the type of person that would attack him regardless of what he said.

Anonymous said...

And for people in here (more then likely Republicans) praying that this President will loose votes, the vast majority of white americans aren't racists and try to see both sides. The fact of the matter is is that the youth are the ones that put Obama into office. I work with young people all over the country and I can honastly say that I have never seen a leader elicit such loyalty. So all the teenagers that were not old enough to vote for him in 2008, guess what come 2012 they'll be old enough and they are going to vote for him. So I highly suggest republicans get their sh*t together instead of this 'reverse racisim' crap and challenge this President on the issues because otherwise this party is going to be out of power for some time.

Unknown said...

You mean to tell me everytime a black man and a white police officer going to have a conflict they will end up in the White House?. Personally I think that prof. Gates and President Obama were in it. That's why he took side too quick. He knew that's was going to happen. He needed a racial tension to relieve himself from his health care reform that probably will not pass. His race card is being played from his campaign through his election and now in the White House. And besides I bet Prof. Gates knows Michelle Obama from her years in Harvard.

Anonymous said...

I am rendered nearly dumbfounded by the idiotic rationalizations and sweeping, unfounded assumptions being posted by Obama's apologists. You're an embarrassment to him and yourselves. Typical, liberal do-nothings who themselves don't have the selflessness and daily courage to be beat cops but aren't above bashing them from the safety of a computer keyboard. You must be so cool with that bad-ass attitude.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this right. The most powerful man on earth, who refuses to apologize for calling the Cambridge police stupid, wants to invite officer Crowley to the White House to meet with him and his good friend, a Harvard professor whose is considering suing the police department. I’m sure they would love to "talk some sense" into the officer. This is nothing more than the rich and powerful abusing their position. They should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Geezzzzzzzzz Talk about keeping the racist thing going on and on for years to come.. 1st the cops was wrong and then the Pres. MR OBAMA saying what he said. OMG! And to think I had voted for OBAMA! NOW LOOK OUT AMERICA!!! If white or black or what ever color or race. We will only have peace for what each of us want but not country peace. Now I see what Obama's Children are going to grow up like. SO the Sue Sue thing will go on for years and years to come and no one will every get along. But some times I will admit blacks can say anything they want about a white person and get away with it but let a white person say the same thing about a black person they will get Sued for sure. But In this case the cop should have checked this all out before he chaged this man with anything. But now the MR. Pres.Obama had to add the racist thing to the whole mess. Oh I have to forget all about this it makes me so mad but I know the whites or the black that wants peace for sure will not vote for Obama again! His true color is showing now he is not a man of peace!

jmr said...

So does Gates have any co-workers/ students in his corner. I can't hear them. Maybe they know more about his character.
I'd expect a so called intelligent man be able to resolve a dispute without pulling the race card after 2 minutes of argument - then again it seems the standards in academia these days has dropped significantly.

Anonymous said...

First, Obama made a mistake making any comment when he wasn't at the scene. Just because his friend, the professor, said something negative, dosen't necessarily mean that the incident actually happened that way. The trained police officer was just doing his job. It is a well known fact that if someone has an issue, there is a "normal" chain of command for the plaintiff to take his case - NOT TO HIS GOOD FRIEND, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! President Obama is really stepping over the line to resolve his so-called friends issue as he has absolutely no say-so in this matter at all - the matter belongs in a court of law only. And how can he say anything to the police officer on behalf of his "friend" when he wasn't even there. Looks like Obama is doing favors for friends - not kosher - which makes me wonder what other favors (past and present) he's doing for his "friends."

The professor obviously didn't keep his cool throughout the incident, and several other police officers, including a black police officer, stated that the officer was correct in his handling of the incident. Case closed. If I was Officer Crowley, I wouldn't waste my time going to the White House to resolve this issue.

To sum up: Obama is really overstepping his boundaries. Thank goodness for our democracy!

Anonymous said...


A.C. McCloud said...

Nice job AC of landing a big one in you lap. Where did all of these people come from?

CNN. Seems to be a lot of "cowards" out there, eh?

Anonymous said...

The President is suffering for anal canal inversion and owes the the police officer an apology

Anonymous said...

As a result of Gates tirade, I will never trust a black person again. I may walk the wrong way and be accused of something I never intended. I mistrusted Obama, not because he was black, but because he told too many lies. But now that he lays all his cards on the table...Sure....poor-me a drink, poor-me a drink so I can cover up everything - just a tiny little dose of propofol.

A.C. McCloud said...


Is dissent no longer patriotic? Or in this case, simply disagreeing?

By the way, there's no reason to shout. We're just having a chat here.

A.C. McCloud said...

Personally I think that prof. Gates and President Obama were in it. That's why he took side too quick. He knew that's was going to happen. He needed a racial tension to relieve himself from his health care reform that probably will not pass. His race card is being played from his campaign through his election and now in the White House. And besides I bet Prof. Gates knows Michelle Obama from her years in Harvard.

That's an interesting theory, and I do question that little mixup at the end of the presser when Obama mistakenly called on Lynn Sweet, then someone else stood up (as if they knew the order).

BUT... we have no evidence of a conspiracy at this point. Chances are Obama relished the question so he could talk awhile on something that he has much passion over instead of having to defend the health care nonsense. That in itself is not wrong-- people have been stopped for driving while black--but in this case he got way ahead of himself. This is why they keep him on the teleprompter, I reckon.

Anonymous said...

Talk about racial profiling...Here's a good example from an "Anonymous" post. This anonymous guy basically judged somebody from the looks of their pictures. For those playing the home game...this is RACIAL PROFILING. Yet he claims he's not racist.

"Has anyone looked at this cop's picture. The arrogance his face shows. I have respect for cops just like the next guy, but come on people this man did not look like a robber and not only that is a police offer not supposed to reveal his badge number and name especially when asked for it."

johnnyguy said...

Why does every one always bring up the race card for? why does what happened centuries ago still apply now , this is simply not true. you me en to tell me Vick got 2 years in jail for killing dogs in the most vicious hideous way because he was black? what a right out lie, so a white man or a man of any other color would of got off. Nothing could be further from reality. I'm a white Italian man who makes 20 thousand a year ,so if i did that i would of had a slap on the wrist and any other white person also a slap on the WRIST,What bull, the laws in this country apply to both , yes the past there were many injustices to the beautiful black people God has created, along with the beautiful Italian people along with the Irish, polish, Greek, Jews, Hispanics, look at the history of the world, hate is not formed against one group going hard after another group, hate and evil are the norm of human beings, in history world wars have killed millions of Germans, Italians, Africans, poles, Russians, don't play that race card with people who can reason. I being Italian what card can i play? i was fired many time by white employers, i have been abused by white people, the most damage to my life was myself, and the people i hung with, so what card do i use? there is no card. point made. And because we are sinners in need of Christ. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Jesus loves us all and died for us all, there are black people like Jesse Jackson, and AL sharp ten, who hate white people along with Farrakhan and there are many black militants that would like nothing better then to kill millions of Jews and white , why are they not called racists?. there is black on black crime , white on white crime, brown on brown crime, in japan what is the crime rate there?, in north Korea? in Rwanda? was it not the millions of tut sis killed by the black Hutu's ,in the Arab countries who kills who? ,the suicide killings in Iran, Iraq, look at the way the Islam kills, no my friends no race card in the world, its the sin card. and the only cure is Jesus, who is willing and wanting to forgive all of us for our sins, now that's the truth. People have to learn to accept responsibility for the actions one does, no one makes another kill in america, the police do a great job for the most part there are millions of people in jail of all color, because of the crimes they commited, we all live in this world .Dont play the race card with people who can reason. One only has to look at the history of slavery , Who can deny that was a grave evil ,was not the killing of 6 million jews very evil also ,but you never hear jackson and sharpton say any thing about it. well WHAT does Farrakhan have to say .he is the most devilsh hate monger of all. could you imagine if another person of white decent says what he says, what would happen?. every one has faced injustice in this world ., dont play the race card with one who could reason. look at the race baiting that Jackson and Sharpton do. Could one day go on in their lives where they dont talk about it and inflame people with right out lies. You think they can enjoy a baseball game, or a picnic in the park , but no they race bait everyday of their lives. They mislead people by the millions. Every group that came to this country faced bad schools, bad housing, bad everything ,dont pick one group against another. its not race, its sin .Jesus called it sin, when jesus died on the cross for us, he did not play the race card, he took the sins of the whole world upon him. WE ARE TO REPENT OF OUR OWN SINS TO HIM .NOT THE SINS OF OTHERS

Anonymous said...

"Don't you know who I am?"
Listen to the arrogance here.
"Some white woman reports a black man..."
Who is the racist?
I am so sick of these so called "minorities" playing the race card in order to get away with what ever. They are so arrogant and ungrateful they should not have to answer to the law... don't you know who they are?
I am very disappointed in our president, but I guess it should not surprise us after hearing the language from Rev. Write. Obama disclaimed him and his ideals, but now comes out with these racist comments himself. He had no right to cast judgment before he even heard the story. Is this the same man who is heading our nation? That really scares me, and I voted for him. OMG.

Anonymous said...

Just another BO goof. How many more goofs do we have to sit thru before you Hussein worshippers realize that this guy is a comedy act? Stimulus(failed),Cap and Trade(shot down. Thank God.),Gitmo closer(wishful thinking),Bigger gov't(already happening),Higher taxes(will happen),not to mention HIS Health Care Plan with so much loopholes that not even his own people support it.Rush Health Care thru(won't happen).Just to mention a few of his gigs.Real knee slappers.Well thanks to all you BO idolizers, seems like the joke is on all of us.

Mark Jeffery Koch said...

Four years ago I saw the movie Crash which showed the virtual tinderbox of race relations that existed in our country. Today, sadly, race relations are not any better, despite a Black President. The overwhelming outpouring of letters posted to this site and many others after the President's comment about the Gates incident clearly indicated that we also have not come any further than we were after the verdict in the O.J. Simpson trial was announced sixteen years ago with Blacks celebrating and Whites in stunned disbelief. Each side has their own views about race and sometimes, oftentimes, even while perceptions may not be true, perception for that race becomes reality.

One thing I know for certain is that someday life on our planet will end but it will not be because we did not do enough about climate change. It will be because we did not do enough to change the climate of hatred, bigotry, anger, mistrust, hopelessness, and despair. Whether in our own country, the Mideast, or in many countries around the world, we are more concerned about what divides us instead of the things we have in common that can bring us together.

This past week I spent several hours reading postings about the Obama/Gates comments and on Israeli sites about the Arab Israeli conflict. I came away from reading hundreds of letters feeling very sad about my fellow human beings. If we would could only bottle half of the energy we expend hating and mistrusting others and use it to fight disease, poverty, and hunger, this world would be a lot better off. Before we worry about climate change let's concentrate on changing the climate about working together to make this planet we inhabit a wonderful life for everyone.

James Dickason said...

Obama needs to go sit down and come out in 4 years. He has done more damage in his short tenure than I can believe. As for this issue, both men should just show a little common sense. If I were Crowley I wouldn't apologise either. As for being arrested in your own home that wasn't too smart guys. Need to take a look at your policies.

Anonymous said...

Why wasnt the situation diffused quickly by Mr. Gates providing identification that he lived there? Doesnt that make sense?

Anonymous said...

In keeping with Obama's aims of having a transparent government:

this is one meeting that he should not have "behind closed doors."

Anonymous said...

When the Cambridge police officer answered a call of a break in a a neighborhood house he didn't know what harm may stand in his way. At the very core of this story is an officer risking his life to preserve our way of life.
The professor who in a holier than though manner throws the race card when he should be smart enough to realize what risk a police officer lives with everyday. I am willing to bet Gates is equally frustrated as he exhibits road rage behind the wheel. The problem with a tenured above it all professor is his lack of sense for community as his intelectual being surrounds himself as most important.
Remember the "DUKE 88" who only apology to lacrosse players was that their condemning comments were directed not at a few, but about society's ills overall. They still live in their own universe subsidized by a world of their own.
Sorry Mr. President, this is not about you, but think before you speak. The next 3 1/2 years rest in your hands.

A.C. McCloud said...

One thing I know for certain is that someday life on our planet will end but it will not be because we did not do enough about climate change. It will be because we did not do enough to change the climate of hatred, bigotry, anger, mistrust, hopelessness, and despair. Whether in our own country, the Mideast, or in many countries around the world, we are more concerned about what divides us instead of the things we have in common that can bring us together.

That's an individual human heart deal and something governments or presidents will never be able to legislate.

Maybe the teachable moment here is that all three players in this tragedy have Irish roots.

Anonymous said...

During Press conference which is broadcasted to the whole Nation, and even to the whole world:
1.President Obama statement basically told the whole world he is a racist. Before he knew the facts he was already in Black side--This is not Presidential.
2. The world heard the statement that Police officer act like stupid--Can he escape from racist. No, he already showed his attitude to white police officer--seems he already accused Police (white) before he knew the fact. To the world he as President supposedly defend his Police officer not to condemned before he knew the fact--This is not Presidential.
3. He lying if he said during campaign that he wanted to unite America, but just a few months in office he showed other wise--This is not Presidential.
4. He called the officer and the black guy (his friend) to the white house but he never apologized to the officer while he know that the whole world that he was wrong (?)--This is not Presidential.
5. BTW who paid the transportation of these 2 people to the white house? Is it his own money or tax payer money?
5. I am not a white, nor black just an ordinary citizen with a shallow mind but I knew that Obama absolutely wrong and needed to apologize to the officer.

Anonymous said...

Below script I wrote on Apr 29, 2008 that's during the campaign season. I remember this writing today and dig through my file. Since then I already made up my mind that he is smart even to fool people. I bring up this today just to show to people how accurate my interpretation about Obama at that time. And that interpretation is in line to today reality about Obama. I believe he will still able to fool people when the next election comes.
When Obama cannot avoid public outcry to Jeremiah Wright assertion in his sermon, Obama is a smart man (as Oprah said). Yes he is a real smart man. He said:” I have been a member of Trinity United Church of Christ since 1992, and have known Reverend Wright for 20 years,” Obama said. “The person I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago.”
Nice try. Obama compare Jeremiah Wright 20 years ago and today. But how about the time between 20 years ago and today? He is really smart, slick, liar, etc. He associated with Jeremiah Write for 20 years long!!! Wow, wake up all people. Only people that no brain still agree with him in my view.
Apr 29, 2008 - 6:40 pm

Anonymous said...

What bothers me most about Obama's comments, initially, was he (HOPEFULLY) has a misunderstanding of police procedure.

He said there were words exchanged when the police entered the home, upon seeing it broken into. I sure as heck HOPE NOT!! Regardless of race or gender, I hope when the police arrived they entered GUNS FIRST, safety first!

And of course that would upset anyone. Anyone -- white, black, Latino, male or female -- would then put his/her hands up and try to explain the situation. If "Someone" decides to become "disorderly" at THAT point, how stupid can he be? There are GUNS pointed at you!!! It would be upsetting, of course!! But one would have to keep their cool. And if they did not, at that point, the police SHOULD ARREST him/her.

I am a white female, and this is the treatment I would expect.

Anonymous said...

Cops from Cambridge to Carlsbad are intimidating to must folks who are not criminals. Have you ever had one race up behind you in an unmarked police interceptor while you minding your own business driving without incident and follow too closely to the point where if it were you tailgating someone else that closely you'd be pulled over in a flash. They love their privilege of power. One might expect that attitude and worse in a fascist society but cops of a free society need to be better trained.

Right Truth said...

Whoa, you've been hit by the spam/anonymous bug...

I don't think the police should go to the White House. Gates is still referring to the "incident" as "racial profiling". I'm sure Obama will want to make a big press extravaganza with Gates and the policeman, all lovey-dovey, as Gates still plots to sue the Cambridge police department.

Deborah F. Hamilton
Right Truth

Stephen Ginn said...


The president invites officer Crowley and professor Gates to the White House, not for a closed door meeting, but for a press conference.


I think we all can think of times where given the chance to say or do something differently we would do so. Such a time occured when I commented on the Cambridge police department. Hurtful words do not advance the cause of any man or of this great nation, and I wish I had chosen my words differntly. Officer Crowley has been kind enough to come to Washington and I wish to extend to him and his colleagues my regrets.


I am thankful to be here at the invitation of the President. He has shown by example what it means for us to be humble and willing to work together. After talking to him and Dr. Gates, I have a profound respect for them both. I too would choose to do things differently if given the chance.


I greatly respect Officer Crowley and am greatful for the service that he and the rest of the Cambridge police provide to our city. I too wish to express the sentiments of my good friends, standing here beside me, that I could have done better.

There, everyone is polite and contrite. There is an opportunity for all the emotion to be diffused. And, in the end, there is peace and an opportunity for healing without anyone taking all the blame.

LA Sunset said...

//There, everyone is polite and contrite.//

Sounds nice. Except for the fact the policeman has nothing to apologize for.

I am sorry for answering a call that came over the radio of a possible burglary in progress, which was generated by a concerned neighbor? Sorry for arresting a man who was loud, threatening, and obnoxious to the point that it was disturbing the peace of an otherwise tranquil neighborhood?

Get a grip, please

Anonymous said...

The police behaved correctly, it's the voters that behaved stupidly.

A.C. McCloud said...

OK Stephen, good idea, have them all at the White House in a press conference setting. But instead of equal apologies, have the Cambridge Police play the recordings from officer Crowley's radio and the 9/11 tapes for the first time. Then everyone can discuss.

Anonymous said...

The only people guilty of racism in this situation are Gates and his homeboy, the pres. This is a prime example of African Americans thinking all they have to do is scream racism, and they are above the law. I, for one, am sick and tired of all of it and can't wait for 2012.

Anonymous said...

The only ones acting "stupidly" in this dilemma were the president and Gates. The officer should be the one filing a lawsuit against the two idiots that slandered him.