Friday, June 28, 2013

Fit to Print

Here's the Weekly Standard, noticing that the press had a shot at president Obama on the plane today and didn't ask one question about the scandals, Snowden, Syria, etc:
President Obama stopped by the press cabin on Air Force One, as the presidential plane made its way to South Africa. While there, the press had a chance to ask the president about major issues concerning Americans: the scandals, the controversial Supreme Court decisions, immigration, and many others. Instead, the press asked about Obama's Africa legacy (or lack thereof), China's relationship with Africa, the commitment of U.S. companies to Africa, and whether he'll visit the ailing Nelson Mandela.
Shortly after those puffballs cleared the cabin the press secretary, Jay Baghdad Carney, had a regular 'gaggle' with reporters and began as follows (emphasis added):
MR. CARNEY: You probably don’t have any other questions since you just spoke to the President, but Ben Rhodes, Deputy National Security Advisor, joins me today and we are here to take your questions as we make our way to South Africa.
Yep, that's all anyone reporter could possibly ever ask the president these days. 

Indeed, other than a legitimate question about the immigration bill, one about HBCUs and one asking why Obama didn't take a delegation of black leaders along with him like Clinton did, here are some of the other "questions" they peppered him with:

>  Nice notepad.

>   Can you say anything about where Sasha was yesterday? Is she okay? Because we noticed she wasn’t at the events?

>   Was that really the President’s long-lost friend from Spain at the dinner last night?

>   Did the President sing?


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