We asked Mr. Rove if he would consider taking a fresh look at the science of global warming. Much to our dismay, he immediately got combative. And it went downhill from there.Ah, perception is everything, isn't it.
Let's wait to hear from someone at Rove's table. Dollars to doughnuts the global warming sistas planned their truthiness to power ambush well in advance and proceeded despite pleas at the outset to "set aside politics" for one night.
What are the odds that either or both had applied some liquid courage (if it's Saturday it must be an Absolut screwdriver) before heading over? OK, that's unfair. Everyone knows that intoxicants have absolutely no affect on Bush Derangement Syndrome.
At the bottom of their shocking article is a link to stopglobalwarming.org, which is David's site. Let's explore. First of all, the title is ridiculous by itself. It's akin to creating a site called "stopvolcanicactivity.org" or "stopcosmicrays.org" since we've got about the same chance of "stopping" them as we do global warming or global cooling, unless Rove has developed a dimmer switch for the sun. After all, everyone knows he has a weather machine.
But aside from the misleading name, what about the site? Well, here's an actual sample of the "information" contained therein:
The massive ice sheets in the Arctic are melting at alarming rates. This is causing the oceans to rise. That’s how big these ice sheets are!Perhaps someone should tell Ms. Rocket Scientist that even if every single square inch of the "Arctic ice sheets" melted there would be not one millimeter increase in sea level. They are floating.
Now, if Greenland or Antarctica melted, yes, but there's no evidence such a thing is happening, and certainly not at an "alarming rate". There's really no point in reading further on that site.
Another GW site with an semi-ridiculous title, fightglobalwarming.com, continues to peddle the disingenuous notion that the overactive 2004/2005 hurricane seasons are evidence of the wrath of Rove. Er, no. There's no consensus whatsoever that hurricanes are affected to such a degree by CO2. Perhaps we need a new site called fightglobalwarmingalarmismbycluelesscelebrities.org.
This isn't to say that humans aren't affecting the climate in some immeasurable way--no doubt we are just by existing. It's simply pointing out that zealots like Crow and David are themselves bullying people in the name of furthering their own self-serving socio-political agendas, which may do nothing to solve a problem we've not been able to precisely measure.
MORE 4/23/07
As we try to suppress the mental images of people using one square of TP (soon to follow if CO2 levels don't drop--"be a man, use your hands") and of Sheryl Crow's fume-spewing buses blasting down the highway let's not forget the green story from just a few days ago. What's that? Don't remember? Yes, it was about Canada possibly dropping out of Kyoto in favor of joining Bush's rival AP6 group.
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