The wife just got through watching "Jimmy and Karen". For those unaware, they run a marriage ministry. Their TV show, "Marriage Today" is one of those shows most men would only watch at gunpoint. This morning the wife got the gun, so I watched. But it was actually an interesting half hour. We each saw some of ourselves in Jimmy and Karen. Their anecdotes illustrating the differences between the sexes were right on target.
It's risky to endorse TV ministries, since occasionally the people end up on the police blotter at some point. But I'll make a shameless plug for these guys anyway. I'm not an affiliate, related to them, or involved in the business of religion. This isn't a splog. I simply think their work is important. Nearly everyone I know has been divorced at least once. It's a painful and disruptive event, not only for the spouses, kids and immediate family, but for society as a whole.
But...since this is a political blog I'll approach it thusly. If the divorce stats are correct, 1 in every 2 American homes is 'broken'. Consider the lost work-hours and productivity that could be recovered if the rate was lowered. I'm tempted to make a gloomy comparison between the west and Islam based on those stats, but such a thing can get lost in minutae due to economic factors. But I'm sure the jihad recruiters use our crumbling societal fabric as a selling point. After all, who wants to adopt a system featuring a high divorce rate, high out-of-wedlock birth rate--high rate of mental and physical health woes--and with defenders of morality like Madonna? I'll take the Jimmy and Karen approach anyday.
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