The mighty UN-- done in by Microsoft Word. Instapundit has the link to the UK Times Online report about the UN's last minute redaction of their final report about the assassination of Lebanon's former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri that includes the implication that Syria was involved. Evidently, the most senstive part of the report was edited out after a meeting Thursday between the report's author and Kofi. The UN is saying Kofi had nothing to do with it. Of course.
Who were the sensitive individuals who hit the bit bucket? None other than Syrian President al-Assad's brother, and a few others in his inner circle. Actually, it's not surprising Annan would have something like that removed. My question is whether the Security Council members would have been privy to that info behind closed doors?
But the larger question is this-- how many times have we seen large organizations done in by computer intricacies that a 14 year old PC geek could figure out?
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