In my view, Harriet Miers at times seemed to be playing dumb. She would answer questions rather ridiculously, embarrassing the Bush faithful trying to back their president. Some suggest Bush didn't come out strongly enough in support of her. Howard Dean thinks Bush let her die on the vine.
That leads me to my thought. What if Miers' selection was nothing but a Rovian manuever all along? Let's say Rove suggested picking Miers, with her knowledge, knowing it would cause a firestorm on the right and keep DC in a buzz. With Fitzgerald breathing down their necks, the Miers nomination would then get withdrawn near the time any indictments were announced. Doing so would keep the SCOTUS nomination story alive as Fitz' GJ session came to an end. As I say, just a thought.
UPDATE 10/31
I see other bloggers are thinking the same thing.
Is it just me, or does Harriet Miers look like the Aunt the kids left at the mall on purpose? Except her picture with W and one or two other Congreeman, all I ever saw of her was when she was walking from building to building. I also think she looks like Aunt Agatha from 'Bewitched' - frumpy dresses, oversized handbag and that look Aunt Agatha had when she would cast the wrong spell on Darren or Tabatha. Maybe it's just me. I'm glad she's gone. Now she can call on Dr Bombay to make her life normal again!
Sorry...it was Aunth Hagatha
I still have to believe the whole thing was a stunt by Rove to distract attention away from Plamegate. OR, even if not that, to throw off the dems for awhile allowing the real candidate to be set up and fully vetted. Notice that after Miers withdrew, she immediately began helping with the new nominee.
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