Scooter is now indicted, Rove's in limbo. So, what comes next?
Well, it's not hard to see the democrat strategy--they are going down the "Bush lied people died" highway. Question is, does that highway lead anywhere?
The dems cannot reasonably make the argument that Bush invented Saddam Hussein and his arsenol after 9/11. There is just too much on public record dating from 1991 to 2001 covering his reputed WMD programs in detail. There are too many speeches from Clinton, too many newsmagazine stories about Saddam-Bin Laden connections, and too many archived security reports from the CIA, DIA, NSA, et al.
The central question here should be this--did team Bush use 9/11 to start a war that really didn't need to be fought-- and did they know this ahead of time? Other than that, the Iraq war was simply a judgment call. No way anyone gets prosecuted for making a poor judgment call so long as they use all the available sources of information, aren't acting in a negligent fashion, and don't break any laws. The only way to remove such people is via the ballot box.
But the dems' tactic is on thin ice and will be made to fall through quite easily. They must prove the Bushies had foreknowledge that ALL the intel and hyperbole spouted regards Saddam during the Clinton adminstation and leading up to 2003 was actually just manufactured garbage to cover Bubba's personal scandals. Such a revelation could certainly implicate many dems, individuals in the MSM and even CIA folks. Bush didn't invent Ahmed Chalabi or fund the INC. As long as all those ends are loose, it will be hard to single out just the Bushies, since they were mainly users of that large batch of intel.
If the dems think they have a case here-- let's hear it. Did Clinton lie about Saddam? Did the MSM mislead us? Did we drop umpteem cruise missiles on that country for nothing? Was the CIA instructed to go easy on Ahmed Chalabi and the INC?
With Hillary still in play politically, I just can't see the dems and their cohorts in the MSM traveling down that bunny trail.
1 comment:
It will be interesting to see the dems strategy. I can see Massachusetts Ted and John talking about the wrong war, etc. What about Hillary? How many of these dems want to make Bush the sole liar for poor Iraqi intel, when they themselves were around during the gathering.
Hey, thanks for dropping by, Caleb.
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