Everyone knew Saddam had chem-shells before and during the Gulf War, but there was never adequate verification of their destruction, either via UNSCOM or UNMOVIC. But let's be real. The shells were all pre 1991 and the materials were degraded. Those shells alone did not represent a significant threat to the region or to America, and were not a stand alone justification for our invasion, even after 9/11.
But their existence does prove several things. One, that inspection regimes have a long way to go in becoming an effective way to disarm a tyrant. As Joe Walsh once said, "you can't argue with a sick mind". The left still has trouble with that concept, which is why the voters don't trust them with national security.
Two, they prove that Saddam was in material breach and violated resolution 1441, which was noted for it's 'severe consequences'.
Some might defend by saying they simply lost track of them. That might work for 20 or 50, but a dictator just doesn't allow his minions to lose track of 500, too many heads would roll. Besides, if it was possible to lose track of 500 how many were there to begin with, 50,000? If so, where did they go?
Finally, their existence also proves that Saddam's goose was cooked the minute UNMOVIC came back to town. Surely he knew any stray chem weapons found or declared, even if old and inert, would give us an immediate casus belli for war, so he lied and obfuscated. And the international left fell for it.
This really makes no sense. The Shia control the trial, and are a hair's breath away from executing Saddam. I believe it's just as likely a frame job, carried out by a Shura Council goon squad.
MORE 6/21/06
Perhaps I spoke too soon on the lawyer's murder. Iranian-backed militias trying to keep the sectarian war alive surely cannot be ruled out. There are so many covert plans being executed in Iraq right now it's hard to tell anymore. The only thing not being executed is the former dictator, who today decided to start yet another hunger strike. One can hope he'll do the job himself, but in reality it probably means he's going to give up Doritos for a few weeks.
According to the New York Times the thugs that kidnapped and murdered Saddam's lawyer, Khamis al-Obeidi, were not dressed in police uniforms after all as per previous eyewitness statements. The closest eyewitness would have been his wife, who is saying they were dressed in 'civilian clothes'.
The Times then quoted several unknown 'witnesses' who told about this poor man's torture and made it seem likely the kidnappers were Mahdi Army goons. All uncorraborated, of course.
Mr. Obeidi refused to live in the Green Zone, but according to an American Official speaking on background he wasn't without protection:
.. said Mr. Obeidi had chosen guards from his family, who had been paid with Interior Ministry funds. It was unclear where they were at the time of his abduction."Don't wake the security guard" was my first reaction, my second being "every man has his price". Wonder who has more disposable cash, Saddam's daughter Raghad or al-Sadr?
[Ed- moved updates of lawyer's death from other thread to this one. they didn't belong there, anyway.]
IT'S OVER 6/23/06
Saddam's hunger strike, that is:
Saddam Hussein has ended his hunger strike after missing just one meal, a US military spokesman said today. The fallen dictator announced he would refuse to eat after one of his lawyers was murdered on Wednesday, but only refused his lunch yesterday. "They all took their dinner meal," said the spokesman.Looks like the dinner meal was a nice big serving of serial...lying.
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