Ford held a $1,000-per-person Washington fund-raiser Thursday at the Clintons' home, which the GOP promptly criticized as another example of his out-of-state fund-raising.That's not a typo, Van 'Hilleary' is running for Senate against former Rep Ed Bryant and former Chattanooga Mayor Bob Corker on the republican side.
Ford raised about 63 percent of his contributions from individuals out of state through March 30, compared to Hilleary's 12 percent, Bryant's 9 and Corker's 6 percent, according to the Federal Election Commission.
The national DNC obviously cares about Harold's race because a victory could tip the Senate to port side control, but it would also prove that a democrat can win in the middle of Jesusland, which might be seen as a test-case for Hillary's presidential run in 2008.
No doubt Ford's recent hob-nob with Hil was more about strategy than supper, and they no doubt discussed the importance of those rebel flag rednecks, a voting block that Ford has been carefully targeting for quite some time:
"My record supporting our troops and winning the war on terrorism is clear," Ford said, citing his vote Tuesday to extend funding for the war.Indeed, he's been to Iraq four times. Meanwhile, hard core Tennessee liberals have no love for 'Junior', as we call him, primarily due to that very fact, and due to his luke cool stance on gay marriage. Ironically, Hillary (also using the pro-war strategy) was recently booed by her base for refusing to support Murtha's immediate pullout.
But when push comes to shove, the left won't pull the GOP handle. Actually, their fight is just beginning. The DNC knows this.
While Hillary's strategy is pretty simple, Junior's is anything but. He's a motivated individual, but is tainted by a legion of family scandals where the race card has been pulled a few times. That doesn't play well in the east, so Harold needs to divorce himself from those demons. One way is to become a neo-Dixiecrat:
"All over the state, people are hungry for lower gas prices, for action on illegal immigration, and for creating new jobs. We don't believe our message is offensive to anyone," Ford said after landing here for a Middle Tennessee campaign swing.It's a longshot, but if it works just chalk it up to the Clintons. They've got a lot invested.
MORE 6/18/06
By now you know that Junior voted against the "Iraq is part of the GWoT therefore we can't cut and run" resolution put up by republicans on Friday. Here's how one of his supporters is trying to spin that no vote:
Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. today voted against a Republican-sponsored resolution supporting an Iraqi government that is considering granting amnesty to terrorists who attack U.S. troops.I don't think that's gonna wash with the east and mid-state voters he's trying to woo.
Uncle Pavian has an example of another Congressional candidate who is keeping her affliation close to the vest.
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