Thursday, June 08, 2006

Toes up

Or as the military says, "Tango Uniform".

US Iraq Ambassador Khalilzad told a news conference, "Today is a good day. Zarqawi has been killed" as CNN reports. By now Abu Musab is learning the horrible truth about the virgins.

According to people who actually live in Iraq, like Omar, it IS a good day, indeed. He reminds us that the little village where they killed him had been the scene of some very grisly violence of late, like heads left in fruit boxes, for example. Sounds like this common thug's MO, and it sounds like he finally crossed the line.

But we'll have to wait and see what effect, if any, this has on the insurgency. Ironically, Glenn Reynolds just had a feature on Z-man last night, linking to a Michael Totten interview with a Hizballah leader in Lebanon. Totten was intrigued at the hatred this man had for Zarqawi, but it's that old sectarian thing again--Hizballah is Shiite, Zarqawi was Salafi/Sunni. More later.

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