They're darn confident about that assessment too, at least after 1600 when instruments began to be used to actually measure things.
No word on what happened to the "Little Ice Age (LIA)" theory, since the basis of this report was believeing the so-called hockey stick theory, which ignores it along with another formerly settled theory called the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). Presumably both are now 'unsettled', which by the way casts new doubt on the development of the Stradivarius.
CNN covered the story by posting a comically one-sided AP story that managed to drop every name in the pro-global warming camp without so much as a whisper from any nay-sayers.
But why bother quoting lunatics paid to shill by Exxon Mobil when we know the truth as told to us by politicians and Hollywood actors?
AP could have referenced a recent Canadian Free Press article that poo-poo-ed the conclusions of Gore's movie by quoting many actual climate scientists. We're left to believe they still believe in scientific debate in the frozen north, unlike America, where everything is already settled, just like no WMDs in Iraq.
But watch the media on this. Case in point:

That from CNN's story this evening, describing a video link on the issue. Any questions?
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