Second, global warming is indeed real, but it can't be stopped by scaremongering bureaucrats or by turning off the front porch light.
The convenient truth is to believe mankind can do anything remotely close to changing the earth's climate within a ten year period. The Apollo program was big, but compared to this it's like changing a bike tire. It's convenient in terms of the given time frame, which is designed to be short enough to scare voters into voting left now or risk facing runaway global warming.
The inconvenient truth is that even by doing nothing (failing to elect environmentalists like Gore) the earth will continue to do as it wishes, as it always has. Conversely, if we DO choose to elect environmentalists the earth will continue to do as it wishes, just as it always has, but our taxes will increase and we'll probably lose the GWoT. A sudden burst of nuclear winter might tend to make us forget the whole climate thing (sorry, such hypotheticals are called sleazy scaremongering when practiced by the right).
But here's news, Mr. Gore and Mr. Ebert--earth science isn't always an exact science. For example, not even Gore would dare predict when and where the next big earthquake might occur, or which volcanoes might pop off before 2015. Meteorologists themselves don't predict out beyond 10 days using the best computers on earth. Therefore, anyone who claims a "100 percent agreement" about the cause of global warming is either a liar, clown, or a pandering politician.
As for me, I'm not beyond believing global warming is totally human-induced, just like I'm not averse to believing aliens are routinely abducting people or that crop circles are being produced by means other than drunk engineering students. They could do a lot more to convince people by loading their super computer with 1900 data, crunching the numbers, then coming out with the correct result for 2000. Or how about just starting with a model than can correctly predict 30 days out and go from there?
After all, that's the least we should expect before pouring our GNP into a global socialistic wealth redistribution scheme enforced by carbon police headquarted at the UN and eventually run by Bill Clinton.
MORE 6/4/06
Important tips for hurricane season.
1 comment:
you are an asshole if you think human beings do not contribute to global warming. Only 90% of scientist say we do, but you can agree with the other 10%. Quit being a skeptic asshole and wake up!!!
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