So says former FBI Chief Louis Freeh in what should be a bombshell essay in Sunday's Wall Street Journal. He's written on this before, but still, you'd think the content might be in bombshell category judging by some other stories.
Here we have an untainted former high-ranking US official claiming evidence of state sponsorship of terrorism, yet a quick check of the following web sites--CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Washington Post and New York Times--showed nothing as of this writing.
Are the majors just behind the curve? CNN was running a story about bogus intelligence from "Curveball", yet nothing on Freeh, someone known as a straight shooter. Anyway, here's a snippet from his article. You be the judge:
It soon became clear that Mr. Clinton and his national security adviser, Sandy Berger, had no interest in confronting the fact that Iran had blown up the towers. This is astounding, considering that the Saudi Security Service had arrested six of the bombers after the attack. .Could it be that the Bush administration asked the majors not to pick up the story due to ongoing sensitive foreign policy negotiations? Maybe, but evidence shows us the New York Times cares little about such things, their new policy seemingly being "every state secret is fit to print". Therefore, such an assumption must be wrong.
Interestingly, a few Project Harmony documents released earlier in the year suggested Iraqi intelligence also had links to Saudi Hezbollah. It was well known there was no love lost between Saddam and the Royal Family, but that's a whole nother can of worms, isn't it? Safer to stick with Curveball and the like.
SPEAKING OF.. 6/26/06
..those WMDs, wonder if this is what happened to the rest of them?
MORE 6/26/06
Mudville Gazette remembers the tenth anniversary of the Khobar attack, and includes an Osama fatwah issued shortly thereafter. Let's see, we have Osama puffing and evidence that Iran's IRGC was involved, and that Saddam was dilly-dallying with Saudi Hezbollah. But still no stories from the mainstreamers. Do the bloggers have to do everything?
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