Monday, July 31, 2006

The plot thickens

For those who have trouble believing TWA Flight 800 exploded all by itself, including me, this story from Jack Cashill might be of interest. These words:
"What had to be done has been done, TWA 800"
were allegedly spoken by Ramzi Yousef from his Manhattan jail cell after the crash. Unbeknownst to Yousef, people in the US Govt (NSA) did understand Baluchi. Cashill claims to have more evidence of this.

Yousef's Balochistan heritage has been covered in depth by Laurie Mylroie. She thinks he was an Iraqi agent. But Iran is just as likely a suspect, acting in retalition for the Vincennes shootdown years ago.

If Saddam or Iran were directly involved that would seem significant in light of recent events. It might also explain why Bill and Hillary have been reluctant to overly criticize the war to date.

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