Instead the fallout turned the terrorists into sympathetic figures, made American diplomats look like fools, made Israel look like the barbarians and saved al Qaeda's reputation. Even al-Sistani scored points off it.
Yes, the Israelis initiated the air strike, but if Hizballah wanted to stage a humanitarian disaster it wouldn't be so hard. All they'd need do is fire a few rockets from a residential area and eventually the airstrikes would come.
The loss of innocent life is abhorent, but this is a war involving terrorists who laugh at the Geneva Conventions. They are by definition ruthless and cunning, and ends always justify means. Only a fool would immediately take these kinds of events at face value.
Let's face it, this was a victory for the bad guys. It's the kind of event Hizballah and their ilk live for, so surely celebrations are occurring in Mosques and tea rooms behind the lines and out of view from CNN and BBC cameras.
MORE 7/31/06
Wonder if the 9/11 conspiracy folks will soon accuse Hizballah of rigging the Qana building with explosives to maximize casualties and enhance their evil world domination goals?
Apparently some Lebanese aren't going to sit around and wait for the Loose Change guys to show up.
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