Kerry, a critic of Bush administration policies in Iraq, said the most important challenge now was to achieve 'whatever success is possible.'A real Gipper moment, I'm sure. No word yet on whether he engaged any stuck troops.
Kerry will meet Maliki Sunday to talk about, well, whatever success remains possible with Bush still in office. And of course to dispute anything McCain just said. Wonder if the AP is feverishly trying to locate Jamil Hussein to set up an exclusive interview?
Apparently dead set on implementing the ISG recommendations all by himself--he'll follow his Iraq visit by whirling over to meet with Bashar Assad in Damascus. The agenda is unknown, but perhaps he can quiz the socialist dictator about how things are going with the Hariri investigation, or maybe they can crack a few cigars and discuss the likely suspects in the Gemayel murder, or what ole Izzat al-Duri is up to these days.
He'll later head to Lebanon, but no word on who he'll meet there, presuming Assad hasn't toppled the elected government by the time he arrives.
In other ME news, the UAE just had their first-ever elections, and a woman was among the victors.
MORE 12/17/06
Was Kerry upstaged by Blair? Looking around the news sites there's nary a story about JFK's excellent adventure. Maybe they'll float the story later.
When searching the blogs I did notice that Bill O'Reilly had made the trip to Camp Stryker, following on the heels of Hannity.
Maybe this is the new secret Bush strategy--saturate Baghdad with bombastic blowhards until they surrender to our will.
MORE 12/17/06
On second thought, maybe the media is waiting for an acceptance speech.
update--Should have known the Gateway Man would have the scoop. And pictures.
MORE 12/17
Speaking of pictures, here's a suggested disguise for Senator Kerry as he makes his way to Damascus. As long as they don't recognize the emblem he'll be pretty much incognito.

Ok, ok, this has probably gone too far. The post was simply an expression of my irritation over people who, in their need to grandstand (or repair their image) might allow themselves to become a tool for the enemy. Since he's not authorized to speak as an envoy of the State Department or the President, all he can really do is damage. And let me be clear--going to Iraq is not a problem. Going to Syria or perhaps speaking with Hizballah Or Iran? Problem.
UPDATE 12/20/06
John Kerry and Chris Dodd make a charming photograph sitting with Bashar al-Assad in Damascus today (ht LGF). Wonder if they asked the dictator about this?
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