Monday, December 04, 2006

New Flight 77 video

It shows what looks like the tail fin of a large airplane (or what some of the tinfoilers have called "the drone bomb plane") moving from left to right followed by an explosion. The object is too large to be a cruise missile, which is probably why some have already begun claiming it was digitally added.

I'll agree with the conspiracists on one thing--there simply has to be better video out there. C'mon, it's Washington, DC. In no way does that mean American 77 didn't hit the building, it certainly did. The FAA controllers at Reagan National were tracking the primary target and had asked a military C-130 if he saw it. He reported visual contact of a Boeing 757/767, they asked him to follow it, he did, then he announced it had hit the Pentagon. To believe he's lying requires a belief that a large segment of the military was involved, to include participants within the FAA, or perhaps that ALL parties were party to the plot, which is ridiculous to the extreme.

So why not release any better videos? Too disturbing. Besides, only a small fringe believes in the conspiracy. But perhaps the best reason--it celebrates a collosal failure of our Air Defense System, something the Pentagon would rather not do.

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