What did Sandy take, and why did he take it?
A year after his 'sentencing' we now find out that Clinton's former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger operated like a 12 year old--actually hiding some of the documents he'd stuffed in his socks under a construction trailer adjacent to the Archives building only to later return and retrieve them, take them to his office, then use a pair of scissors to destroy them.
For this he'll not serve one day in jail, and can reapply for another top secret clearance in 2009, just in time for a possible Hillary administration.
Maybe this strangeness explains Clinton's oddball overreaction to the "Path to 9/11" movie followed by similar behavior during the Chris Wallace interview. Recall Berger was tasked with reviewing data prior to Clinton's testimony to the 9/11 Commission. Previous reports said the documents had to do with the Millennium attacks, but there are so many other possibilities.
Surely there's more to this, the question is whether we'll ever find out.
UPDATE 12/20/06
Just checked Huffington Post for an update, nothing yet as of 8:25pm CST. Maybe their teletype machine got jammed. Anyway, they DO have a story about a dead deer on Cheney's property.
By the way, wonder if incoming Congressman Waxman will take up where Duncan Hunter left off?
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