Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Once upon a time

Check this video of Al Gore reading the riot act to George Bush 41 but spilling out all kinds of neocon "propaganda" in the process..

Via Breitbart TV.

This certainly proves that Saddam Hussein was the most influential person of the late 20th Century. When one combines all the wars, political machinations, Oil for Food scandal, GWoT, and ruined political careers it's really a no-brainer. In hindsight Ron Paul's blowback theory is showing up more vigorously in Iraq than anywhere else since we're now facing the result of strategies put in play years ago designed to keep regional power balanced by playing one tyrant against the others. As Gore so eloquently pointed out, these entities were/are dangerous.

It's interesting he said Saddam ordered the attack on the USS Stark, which perhaps factored into thinking of the Vincennes Captain when he mistakenly shot down Iran Air flight 655 a little over a year later. Yet more evidence the "war" has been raging for years whether we knew it or not.

The Hat tip goes to LA over at Political Yen-Yang, who sums up how such apparent flip-flopping has affected his opinion of the Democrats on foreign policy:
Let me just go on to say that this is but one reason, I have lost a lot of respect for the Democratic Party. This is why I criticize them for their hypocrisy. If there were just policy differences about things that didn't affect national security or morale of the service men and women that are engaged in combat right now, it'd be one thing. But when someone wants to politicize something now that he/she was politicizing then (on opposite sides of the issue), an issue that means life or death to people that are carrying out the orders of those that sent them there, I get a bit irritated.
Indeed, this is why many simply will not allow themselves to entrust national security to this party.

I misspoke the other day when saying Gore didn't have baggage on Iraq, he certainly does. A video like this will only elevate Barack Obama, who has none. Gore must be kicking himself about now for inventing the internet.

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