"Looking at the Jayna Davis material, what's clear is that more than Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols were involved. Without a doubt, there's a Middle Eastern tie to the Oklahoma City bombing."Does that make him an automatic kook? Does it suggest he performed a "Ritter backflip" by transfiguring from the Saddam-is-bad camp to the Saddam-ain't-so-bad camp as the political winds shifted? Or did Davis just drop his name out of context?
Not sure, and truthfully, don't care. What intrigues me is Oklahoma City. Call me a kook but the premise of state intelligence service involvement through proxy terrorists doesn't really sound that kookish. As serendipitous as this might sound, the CIA tried to illicit a coup and an old-fashioned assassination of Saddam in the same year, 1995. How many remember those agents being investigated by the FBI?
For the sake of contrast let's take a gander at the three failed car-bombs in the UK in the past 24 hours. Based on just televised coverage it's safe to assume the bombs were not of the same class used in the Murrah building, Khobar Towers, or first World Trade Center bombings. They also bear little resemblance to the daily car/truck bombs used in Iraq. Help from intelligence professionals familiar with ballistics surely might have enhanced the British devices, something we appear to be seeing in Iraq thanks to Iran's alleged meddling.
Running aside the well-known pitfalls of conspiracy theories as to motive, depth and breadth of conspiracy, wealth and fame potential, and personal vendettas, one still has to admit that some interesting dots exist. For example, just like 9/11 we were told not to worry, that the Murrah perps were lone wolves (probably disaffected right wingers fueled by talk radio) and therefore no foreign involvement was possibly possible. Yet they were rather adept lone wolves, weren't they? Pretty good for a first try, I'd say.
Ironically James Woolsey's name is listed on Davis's site as a supporter, which is interesting since he has some background with the man Davis believes taught Terry Nichols how to make quality bombs when both were in the Philippines, Ramzi Yousef. Or was it Abdul Basit Karim? Quite possibly Mr. Woolsey knows the answer to that question since he was dispatched to England twice in 2001 by the US Government to investigate:
Several officials said Woolsey's mission angered officials at the State Department and the CIA and left British authorities puzzled about whether he was representing the U.S. government.Oddly enough he didn't come home and later write an Op-Ed for the New York Times on his trip, say for example, "What I found in England". Apparently some state secrets are more important than others.
Woolsey DID say this in a 2001 interview regarding the concept of lone wolves (remember, this man once led the CIA):
But the key thing is that a very fundamental misunderstanding takes place in exactly this statement, which is to assume that if someone is a terrorist he’s a sole-source contractor, that he works either with al-Qaida or with Iraq. That is, if I may say so, a particularly stupid and false assumption. There is absolutely nothing to keep these terrorists from working with al-Qaida and to have Iraqi government support for one or more aspects of the operation.An inconvenient truth for some, so back to Hoyle. Alrighty then...do we call this misinformation, disinformation, or just a misunderstanding?
She remembers Nichols as “Terry” or “The Farmer” and doesn’t remember the name of the other American. She says, “They talked about bombings. They mentioned bombing government buildings in San Francisco, St. Louis, and in Oklahoma. The Americans wanted instructions on how to make and to explode bombs.Must have been a coincidence that a ragtag bunch of disaffected zealots with very little bomb-making expertise created a blast similar to ones made famous by Islamic terrorist groups during the 90s. And what of the strange unanswered questions involving the mob informant dude? Dare we even go there?
Ah, perhaps nothing but good fiction after all. But as Glenn Beck points out on Davis's site, why wasn't there a 9/11-style commission to investigate the Oklahoma City bombing? What officially became of John Doe numero dos? Guess we'll just have to wait for the 9/11 Truthers to clear everything up for us. They are investigating this, right?
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