..one audience member told Rove that MSNBC's Keith Olbermann named him the "worst person ever."That was part of the frivolity of a Karl Rove speech at the university of Iowa on Sunday. Members of the "audience" apparently had a field day, heckling Bush's former right hand man to their hearts content. A few moonbats were even tossed after trying to perform a citizens arrest.
"Ever?" Rove joked. "Yea, worse than Hitler, worse than Stalin, worse than Mao and worse than the person who introduced aluminum baseball bats."
What's up with college kids? Why so radical? Well, they've always been prone to such behavior in a coming of age sort of way, but perhaps it's partially due to the environment. Modern colleges are denizens of political correctness featuring many ex-hippie teachers with radical backgrounds themselves (sometimes even former domestic terrorists). With a normal guest it's likely that university officials would have dropped the hammer on the crowd after the first outburst, demanding respect or the door. With a guy like Rove, chances are they secretly hoped this would happen and enjoyed every minute.
All just speculation of course (a video would help) but a similar event took place in Massachusetts when Andy Card was invited to speak at the University of Massachusetts last year. In that case several faculty members were part of the disturbance. Yeah, old news.
The question: are these events isolated or do they represent the kind of civility, respect for opinion, and modicum of debate our overpriced institutions of higher learning are imparting on our youth? Some of us could use a break on tuition.
MORE 3/10/08
Gateway Pundit has much more, including a disgusting display that CNN failed to mention.
Modern colleges are denizens of political correctness featuring many ex-hippie teachers with radical backgrounds themselves (sometimes even former domestic terrorists).
This is true, of course, but I fail to see how anyone can regard such behaviors as you’ve described as even close to “politically correct.” It would seem that such assessments are at best subjective; naturally, favoring liberal demonstrations. If a conservative speaks his or her mind, well no – we cannot have that.
The leftist demonstrators who employed filthy vocabulary to heckle, and threaten two GOP students recently at Berkley, I believe, adequately demonstrate the answer to your question. For their protection, police took the two young Republicans into custody. We must infer, therefore, that free speech only applies to liberal thugs who in every way seem to mimic the kinds of behavior used by “brown shirts” in pre-war Germany.
Brown shirt behavior is the only takeaway I'm getting, although I'm loathe to always blame everything on Hitler.
I agree with you on this, but it isn’t so much “Hitler” as it is the behaviors of people who claim to represent democratic principles. I haven’t seen much of this, actually. I don’t agree with most of what Ann Coulter says, but she is entitled to her own point of view without having people throw pies at her face. If one disagrees with Coulter, let her speak; she can only discredit herself in time.
Heckling and other forms of intimidation are both loutish and appalling. In my view, too many of our citizens live within an abyss of ignorance. Their behavior reflects poorly on our institutions of learning and the nitwits who occupied tenured positions as “learned professors.” Lacking the ability to think or speak calmly and effectively, they tend to shout down anyone with an opposing or different view. I cannot help but wonder how these people think they are behaving as “good citizens,” or that they are convincing anyone of their particular (misguided) point of view.
Heckling and other forms of intimidation are both loutish and appalling.
Affirm...and yet it seems to be encouraged by certain university types when it comes to people they disagree with. That's not the definition of higher education as I know it and is not fit for even a city council meeting.
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