Friday, August 01, 2014

AQ = "folks" and other things...

Yes, according to our Commander Guy the United States tortured some "folks" after 9/11.  Folks?   Should we call ISIS fighters "folks" now?  "Some folks over in Iraq just chopped off the heads of 50 people". Sounds weird to use that term for people like KSM, who beheaded Danny Pearl on video and planned 9/11.

But the presser itself wasn't weird, it was vintage Obama.  He came out, bloviated for 8 minutes, then called on three--count 'em three--pre-selected reporters, the answers consuming over 30 minutes (the questions themselves barely amounted to a minute's time).  

But an interesting thing happened when he tried to exit stage left after the filibuster...

They were shouting questions instead of wishing him a happy birthday!  How dare they, after he professorially answered three questions.  What a bunch of f&cksticks.

Meanwhile, he said he had full confidence in John Brennan despite him apologizing to a Senator for the CIA spying on Congress.   As usual, nothing will happen.  Well, maybe a blue ribbon accountability review panel to make sure it never happens again--headed by John Brennan--with a report due back on December 24th at 8 pm.   


1 comment:

Debbie said...

Using Bill O'Reilly's word "folks"...

Obama is an idiot, he proves that every time he opens his mouth. The sad thing is that he is known for his ability to speak, remember the Democrat convention speech? He was on telepromptor there and well rehearsed. When he has to speak on his own he is a bumbling fool.
