Here's some general info about the local elections, however I must say if you're coming to Fore Left to look for this stuff, you're in bad shape. By the way, there hasn't been much discussion about the amendment to freeze property taxes for folks 65 or older. I'm against it, at least until I'm 65, then I plan to be for it. Seriously, I'm generally not in favor of setting age or wage cutoffs for taxation. Bring on the flat tax.
JAKE FORD NOW A DEMOCRAT?? election day 06
From Moore Thoughts, check out Wintermute's post over at Blogging for Corker. It's the Harold Ford, Sr voting guide being handed out in Memphis today.
By the way, if you haven't voted here in TN yet, and are still confused about amendment two, check out Fishkite where there's an explanation from one of the bill's creators.
MORE election day 06
Hot Air has a screen cap of Junior wearing a camo hat. Kinda reminded me of this:

But hey, we try to be fair here (certainly not balanced). At least Ford and Kerry haven't shot anybody. That we know of.

UPDATE election 06
This is a good state site. Notice that District 29 State Senate race between Terry Roland and Ophelia Ford is 70-30 lopsided for Ford with nearly 40 percent counted. You have to wonder how their special election could have been so close, marred by dead voters in pro-Ford precincts, then turn out as such.
As to the DNC pickups in the House, and even regards the Ford-Corker race, most of the democrats doing well are moderates or conservatives. This is by no means a mandate for Pelosism. Or Pelosiism. You get it.
update--the special election turnout on District 29 was very low, which made it closer down racial lines. But still..
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