Thursday, March 20, 2008


Let me say this upfront--I have no news to add here, only a comment about the crack in the space-time continuum over at Olby's house over this passport story. They might have set a new record for asking "what did Bush know and when did he know it"? Speaking of crack, Olby turned to his crack team of fair and balanced contributors consisting of Howard Fineman, David Shuster and Andrea Mitchell. Keith is already giving us a range from Watergate to nothing, stressing the Watergate end. And the Obama folks are already blaming Bush.

The panel talked often about George HW Bush being accused of accessing information about Clinton in 1992, rather obviously trying to suggest son was acting like father without once mentioning Hillary's FBI filegate scandal in 1993. Think about it--who gains more from accessing Obama's files, a lame duck president or a desperate Hillary Clinton?

This should be interesting.

MORE 3/20/08

Well, since Keith and crew are spinnin' and speculatin' like wild, let's join him! Why would the Bush administration want to leak this story NOW? Barack is on the hot seat with Wright, et al, so they pick this time to torpedo the worst story on Obama to date? Make no sense. It makes more sense for Barack's campaign to have picked today to bring this out somehow. After all, they sure had their statements ready and waiting to go..

MORE 3/21/08

What's in a passport file? Not much, according to Jeralyn Merritt. Be sure to read to the end where she ponders whether Obama operatives might have been the source for the reporter who subsequently contacted State officials for comment and broke the story. Of course, she would say that, being a Clinton supporter and typical white person.


LA Sunset said...


As you know, they need something to divert attention from the barrage of criticism that has come from the Rev. Wright story. The question I have is, what information could they have possibly obtained that isn't already known? Being in the public eye as he has been over the last year, there isn't much else that can come from this info.

That said, it was wrong for these bozos to do this and they have been fired. What else can be said/done?

My real concern is the statement made by Obama that his grandmother is a "typical white woman". We all know that if a white person had said that Charles Rangel, Jesse Jackson, or some other public figure that happens to be black, that person would be castigated and forced to resign whatever position he/she held.

There's clearly a double standard here.

A.C. McCloud said...

FWIW, the Obama camp claims they were just notified this afternoon. That might be true, since these violations were low level contractors and have stretched over 2 months. I'd like to know who within the admin notified them, and why now? But it does seem crazy they were able to get a statement out so quick, and it's awfully convenient timing. For some reason Olbermann never questioned the timing.

LA Sunset said...

//I'd like to know who within the admin notified them, and why now? But it does seem crazy they were able to get a statement out so quick, and it's awfully convenient timing. For some reason Olbermann never questioned the timing.//

Some valid questions for sure. But a we all know, Olberrmann is not a jounralist. He is an Obama surrogate and a Democratic hack that makes the NYT's Paul Krugman look conservative. Look up moonbat in the dictionary and you'll see his picture.

A.C. McCloud said...

I don't normally watch him because he doesn't provide opposition points of view, but for some reason I flipped past his show and saw the "breaking news" and watched. It was humorous watching all the speculation without one shred of fact from supposed high-level journalists.

OTOH, I, as a mere blogger, can get away with rank speculation! It looks like these Bush State folks might have been covering up these breaches, trying NOT to let them go public for fear of losing jobs/pensions, etc. Somehow a reporter found out about the firings (wonder how and who?) and contacted this Kennedy guy for comment, which is how they claim to have found out. That takes Rice off the hook, and Bush but it shows a fair level of incompetence.

The fact that Obama jumped it so hard shows just how in trouble they are right now. This story will not take Wright completely off the radar, especially after Obama's "normal white person" quip today.
He just can't help but step in it, which shows a level of maturity that IMO isn't quite ready for the highest office in the land.

LA Sunset said...
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LA Sunset said...

//That takes Rice off the hook, and Bush but it shows a fair level of incompetence.//

When I worked for the state government, we had our share of incompetence at all levels. Like I said, it's not a good thing that it did happen, but just imagine the problems we would encounter in a government=run health care system. If in the areas we should have it down and we fail, imagine how much of a mess we'd have in such a sensitive area, in an area where we have NO experience.