Why bring it up? It seems to describe the current political climate quite well.
Whether it be Congressional Democrats trying to undermine a President fighting a war, or candidates sparring in the parties themselves, it seems like nobody can get along. Sorry about that, Rodney.
Hillary can't help but give off the impression of a seething, simmering volcano and Barack is too green to avoid saying something stupid eventually. McCain also has that volcanic quality, and those types of people don't do well as president. The last one I recall was Nixon. The even-keel types usually fare better--say what you will about Bush or Bill Clinton, they both fit that bill and both got two terms.
Aside from Mitt Romney, who's still kind of a mystery to me, it seems Rudy Giuliani might be one candidate who might elevate in such a climate. As Geffen seemed to suggest, we need a president who has the potential to bring this country back together (to whatever degree possible) but it sure ain't gonna be a Clinton or a Bush.
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