Padilla's lawyers had asked Cooke to order that their client be treated for post-traumatic stress disorder, which they contend stems from years of isolation and interrogation while in military custody as a suspected enemy combatant.The Judge, probably appointed by Cheney, said Padilla had displayed the ability to speak with counsel and that his sitation was unique. An obvious brown skin-hating female dog born out of wedlock.
Said HuffPo commenter "sparkey"
A few days ago,we were told that Padilla wasn't able to be tried in court because he was incompetent. Now, we get get told that he can stand trial. Was the federal judge appointed by Bush? If so, that would explain why Padilla is now competent to go to trial.Said commenter "nevergiveup"
Who among us could possibly be competent to stand trial after 3-1/2 years of abuse, solitary confinement in a 9 foot by 7 foot cell, with no clock, no calendar nothing to read, no other person to speak to, no daylight. Welcome to an ugly, ugly America! This judge is either a Bush appointee or just effing mean and crazy like the whole Bush/Cheney Crime Family.And, said commenter "BushEatsCheneysSmegma"
Welcome to Dumbya's American Soviet Union.Patriots, all. Please send your generous contributions to A.C. McCloud, Memphis, TN. I'll make sure the money gets to where it needs to be.
MORE 3/1/07
Arianna has decided that any condemnation of the insane commenters to her blog amounts to "Swiftboating", since they only represent a "miniscule" portion of her readership. OK. For what it's worth it's doubtful those commenters represent the majority of democrats, but anyone who's participated in chats or message boards recognizes them instantly. They've been saying the same stuff since 2001.
It might be interesting to know the percentage of nutbats to the total registered users. One cannot simply show up at Huffington Post and begin commenting without approval from the boss. Were any of these accounts terminated?
*@^&%$! 3/1/07
This is similar to a study finding that sunrise causes morning:
So how much more does the Left use Carlin's "seven words" versus the Right? According to my calculations, try somewhere in the range of 18-to-1. Yowsers.Yowsers? Not a real big surprise. Does it mean anything aside from the fact that lefty zealots are generally less inhibited and less respectful? Hard to say.
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