Friday, February 16, 2007

Do they even bother to look?

Was perusing the fever swamp over at HuffPo last evening and noticed the following headlines within inches of each other on the front page:

"Murtha Lays Out Appropriations Plan To End Iraq War"

"Senate Dems To Force Up Or Down Vote On Bush War Plan"

"Leader Of Al Qaeda In Iraq Wounded" (emphasis added)

Meanwhile, al-Sadr has taken to the hills. We know they'll come back when the surge is over, but this crackdown might give the coalition an opportunity to find some real leaders who want to take back their country and help fight the militias when they return, giving peace a chance and not "wasting" the sacrifices of our troops.

If the Dems aren't careful they're going to be seen as stopping any chance of such a thing before it even starts--as a party who wants to kill AQ everywhere but Iraq. We know the DNC wants to remove a sticky issue for their 2008 Presidential candidate by stopping the war, but if they go through with actual de-funding, in effect forcing us back into 'stay the course' levels and taking away any effectiveness from a surge, it might well suggest they desire those previous sacrifices to be seen as a waste.

MORE 2/16/07

We must be on the lookout for disinformation from the information ministry. The Shiites might be looking to show progress from the surge where none exists, for a variety of self-serving reasons.

Meanwhile, with all the debate about what to do I caught the courageous Dennis Kucinich on Bryan and the Judge radio show this afternoon. He was quite entertaining. He's Courageous because he's a man of his word and has the guts to defend it. Sadly for you Dennis fans, they handed him his rear in a bag:

Dennis: "we can't impose democracy on anybody, it has to be organic".

Bryan: "we certainly did on Germany and Japan". Zoom-pow.

His plan calls for our total withdrawal with a backfill of international troops and a number of other things, not all bad, but rational folks might wonder which countries are standing in line ready to assist that haven't already. Those countries who decide to help pursuant to a "coalition" withdrawal should be prepared for an AQ counterattack along with outrage from their own liberal populace and the immigrant Muslims, which makes it a non-starter. It might be useful to precisely identify the rank political hypocrites, though.

He also wants reparations, presumably blaming us for tearing up their country and allowing jihadis to blow themselves up. Quite entertaining.

PS..Housekeeping news..
...Firefox users... I realize there are some hiccups on loading the page. Sometimes if the cursor is moved before the page is finished it hard freezes Firefox. Seems to be coming from Haloscan, but not sure. If anyone knows a solution, I'd be appreciative of a link or email. Thx.

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