We can never forget.
Kathleen Strand, communications director for the Giannoulias campaign, said Friday that Kirk "is lying or embellishing his military record," making him "the worst kind of Washington politician."Right. Yet the guy who allowed people to think he served in Vietnam while actually serving at home doing Toys for Tots is still ahead in the polls in Connecticut. So what does that say about the voters?
Senior White House advisers asked former President Bill Clinton to talk to Joe Sestak about whether he was serious about running for Senate, and to feel out whether he'd be open to other alternatives, according to sources familiar with the situation.And they are saying it wasn't SecNav but an unpaid advisor position to do with terrorism.
"The phone did not ring from the White House until 6:45 am the following morning, which is about 15 hours later," Kane told me on Wednesday. In that call, a White House spokesperson flat out denied that Sestak had been offered a job. Later that day, according to Kane, the White House issued a second, stronger denial.So we get to decide the meaning of the word 'job' now. How fitting for Slick Willie to be in the middle here with his grammatical experience. And Toomey? He must really be scratching his head about now.
The long-awaited Chicago visit comes at the end of a week of "horrible karma," one adviser noted, with the oil spill, the collapsing European economy, an escalating crisis on the Korean Peninsula and, on Wednesday, a stock market that closed below 10,000 for the first time in months. ("At least Elena Kagan is doing fine," joked the adviser, referring to the president's Supreme Court nominee.) Perhaps his Chicago friends are in on it: the last time Obama set out to spend vacation time with his inner hometown circle, over Christmas in Hawaii, a young Nigerian man tried to bring down an airplane with a bomb in his underwear.Yeah, those darn terrorists, always messing up the tee times. Oh well, at least he only gets blamed for bad karma, with Bush it was shirking responsibility by clearing brush. But notice Kornblut didn't include Sestak in the bad karma hit parade.
For months, Kane had been hearing from sources that the White House had been "dangling" a job in front of Congressman Joe Sestak, so long as he would abandon his bid to unseat Senator Specter.Then after the interview, this:
As soon as the interview ended, he called the White House and played for a press office representative the tape of the interview. He was promised that someone would "get back to you as soon as we can, probably within a couple of hours."That would seem to suggest it wasn't the White House leaking to Kane if he called them afterward to inform and they strongly denied it. That would be the most bizarre inside job ever if they actually were leaking to Kane and didn't expect him to mention it, or did under the hopes it would torpedo Specter, whom Obama was backing. Surely the WH would have better control over a plan. So who else? Camp Billary? Would they dare knife Obama in the back like that? Then again, James Carville was pretty hostile the other day.
"The phone did not ring from the White House until 6:45 am the following morning, which is about 15 hours later," Kane told me on Wednesday. In that call, a White House spokesperson flat out denied that Sestak had been offered a job. Later that day, according to Kane, the White House issued a second, stronger denial.
But this situation is very different than the CIA leak case in the Bush administration. The stonewalling is the same, of course, but the issue at the heart of the two is not. What the White House is covering up now is a purely political act: trying to persuade someone not to run for office. It happens all the time in politics. At the center of the leak case then was an issue of national security: specifically, the principle that the identity of CIA agents should not be made public, especially as part of an effort of political damage control. It was an exceptional story. And it came at a time when the Bush White House was also defending itself in a host of other instances where it massaged facts to make the case for an unpopular war.Ironically, Dickerson's own role in receiving leaks remains mysterious. At any rate, this Plame analogy seems to be making the rounds on a few liberal sites, which must be their desperate way to drag Bush back into what is purely an Obama mess.
"The Arizona Department of Education recently began telling school districts that teachers whose spoken English it deems to be heavily accented or ungrammatical must be removed from classes for students still learning English,"This will of course get the juices flowing in the "they're a bunch of xenophobes" crowd. Such as this CNN reporter:
"Their accents reflect who they are and where they came from. What's more important? What teachers say or how they say it?" Phillips wondered.Yes, apparently Ms. Kyra Phillips believes that not being able to correctly pronounce English words while teaching English is a non issue. And not only Ms Phillips, but a few of the teachers interviewed in her story, one of whom said there is no correct way to say English words. It's what the teachers say that matters (or says, whatever).
I realize that they promised Specter they’d campaign for him, but to be so committed to him as to try to buy Sestak off seems bizarre in hindsight. It could be, I suppose, that they feared that a contentious primary would hurt their chances in the general regardless of who won, but that would be a miscalculation too. What kind of shop is Axelrod running over there?Ok, well it's sometimes helpful to establish the facts.
James R. Clapper, now the defense undersecretary for intelligence, is the White House's leading candidate to replace retired Adm. Dennis Blair, who is resigning, two current U.S. officials and one former military official say. Another candidate is Mike Vickers, the Pentagon's assistant secretary for special operations, officials say, but a Defense Department official says he has not been contacted for an interview.Does he know that Clapper is the same guy who, while working in a Pentagon Mapping bureau during the Iraq war, claimed Saddam probably moved his WMDs to Syria?
In an interview in October, retired Lt. Gen. James R. Clapper Jr., who heads the U.S. agency that processes and analyzes satellite imagery, said he thinks that Saddam's underlings hid banned weapons of mass destruction before the war.Hmmmmmmmm. And who knows, maybe this was the job they offered Sestak. After all, it was made in February, and the administration has been sitting on the SSCI report on the underbomber since, well, February.
"I think personally that those below the senior leadership saw what was coming, and I think they went to some extraordinary lengths to dispose of the evidence," said Gen. Clapper, who heads the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. "I'll call it an 'educated hunch.' "
A short time later and about a mile away, in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart, two deputies searching for the suspects came across a white minivan and were shot and wounded as they approached the vehicle, Shelton said.How utterly horrible. Assault rifle or not, the thoughts of two murdered police officers left lying in the middle of the interstate for doing their jobs is haunting, tragic, and maddening. I've been to that Wal-Mart a few times. It's right off I-40, a particular stretch long known as a hot spot for police searching for dope runners and speeders.
"The suspects were using an assault rifle," he said.
Let's face it. If there wasn't a "traffic stop" no one would be dead!Yeah, that's logical. In a crazyass kind of way. The police dash cam likely won't be released out of respect and sensitivity to the officers' families but it probably tells the story.
Now Mr. Sestak — despite an initially rambling and occasionally bewildering speaking style — appears to be one of the Democrats’ best hopes for keeping control of the Senate. How a relatively obscure member of Congress, with a consistently liberal voting record, made it this far says a great deal about who he is.Tom Maguire questions the Times on the length of that liberal voting record, which only goes back to 2006, by asking whether it included his time commanding the George Washington Carrier Group off the coast of Afghanistan (sic). True enough, Sestak is a former Navy Vice-Admiral (to be nitpicky, the Times and his own web site call him an Admiral) and the upstart who took Congressman Curt Weldon's 30 year entrenched House seat in 2006.
Looking about for a new career, Sestak decided, improbably enough, on Congress. The nostalgic admiral eyed not the Virginia district in which he lived, but the Pennsylvania district in which he had last lived as a boy. More daunting still, he would be facing off against popular 10-term maverick Republican, Curt Weldon.He follows today with a reminder post:
Despite the odds, the political novice proved master rainmaker----it must have helped to leave the Navy under a cloud--as he somehow managed to muster a $3 million war chest within months. Former National Security Advisor, Sandy Berger, pitched in big time. Now a lobbyist—quelle surprise--Berger hosted a serious fundraiser for the admiral in Washington and lent the Sestak campaign his firm’s Director of Communications to serve as the official campaign spokesman.
Another interesting contribution came in from Mary O. McCarthy, recently dismissed from the CIA, reportedly for failing a polygraph on leaked classified information in regards to CIA prisons overseas. As it happened, a timely leak shortly before the 2006 election would ultimately do Weldon in.Cashill continues:
Their reasons for supporting Sestak were transparent even to the local media. “A Sestak victory,” observed suburban Philadelphia’s Delco Times early in the campaign, “would muzzle a Republican congressman who blames Clinton for doing irreparable harm to America’s national security during the 1990s.”Still, it's not entirely improbable that a man of his resume might want to enter politics. And some may dismiss Cashill due to his conspiratorial bent, but he was one of the few digging around in 2006. To be fair, some questioned whether Weldon had perhaps gone too far in his quest for the defense of America, including his passionate interest in Operation Able Danger and warnings about Iran and those who provided intelligence thereof.
Crucially, Congressman Sestak believes that the United States needs to pursue a “diplomatic surge” with Iran. He argues that Iran is strongly disinterested in having a chaotic Iraq located next-door and that as such, an American withdrawal can be used to create diplomatic leverage with Iran.Anyway, a 2006 FBI probe into Weldon's possible shady dealings with his lobbyist daughter came at just the right moment for Sestak, who was behind in polls with only a month or so to go:
“It is a longstanding practice of the FBI to refrain from engaging in any dramatic action related to political corruption in the weeks immediately preceding an election,” notes Martin correctly, “out of concern that this would be regarded as an effort to interfere with the electoral process.”Quotes Cashill of a story on the World Socialist Website, of all places. Ironically, Sestak himself had to return a pittance of money given by illegal alien criminal Norman Hsu, a former friend of Hillary, but there were no allegations of wrongdoing. Still, it was another dot connected to the Clintonistas.
“That ad said there’s a real alternative to Arlen Specter and he’s not a kook,” Mr. Oxman said.And who wants to be seen backing a kook? No wonder the cone of silence is down. But maybe the press is frustrating themselves with the wrong president. Sestak's biggest backers seem to be friends of Bill, and Bill is always ready to jawbone about current events. Maybe they could ask him why Sestak's win was "a victory for the people over the establishment" based on some of his initial establishment backers, who were there from the beginning.
The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature was the warmest on record for January-April at 56.0°F (13.3°C), which is 1.24°F (0.69°C) above the 20th century average.Yet so far here in 2010 Memphis is a whopping 7.3 degrees below normal for the period January-April based on departures from normal:
"If I were to be deported, I'd have to start all over again," she said. "I'm hoping for the best."Too bad CNN couldn't find as many reporters to cover the story about Holder having not read the bill yet. They must have been hustling to the immigration trial of Obama's aunt Z, who as of today is no longer an illegal alien:
President Obama's aunt from Kenya can stay in the United States, a U.S. immigration judge has ruled, ending a six-year-plus legal battle over her status."Six year battle"--clever wording for someone simply ignoring a judge's order to leave. Helps to have those gratis lawyers, too, who can set up the proceedings...
Isn't it fortunate Obama passed health care reform just in time so his relative now has great free care, almost as free as she enjoyed when she wasn't a citizen. Just something else to remind the Chinese.In February, Onyango arrived at an immigration court in a wheelchair and testified before the judge for more than two hours, her representative, Amy Cohn, told CNN at the time.
Two doctors, including her personal physician, also testified on her behalf. Onyango's medical condition was part of her legal defense against expulsion.
Have you read the Arizona law?It's rather shocking he would admit this, but perhaps he realized that by saying he had read the bill, while under oath in front of Congress, and after previously saying it was "divisive" and might as enacted lead to civil rights violations, he would likely get trapped in a lie causing more trouble.
ERIC HOLDER, ATTORNEY GENERAL: I have not had a chance to, I’ve glanced at it. I have not read it.
Now, after winning their first conference title in 26 years, the girls are being denied the opportunity to play in the tournament over safety concerns and because the trip “would not be aligned” with the school's “beliefs and values,” Assistant Superintendent Suzan Hebson told the Chicago Tribune.The same school has sent students on trips to China. But nevermind, the bottom of the story has the explanation:
The district said in a statement Wednesday that is legally required to provide an education to all children within its borders regardless of immigration status and is responsible for their "safety, security and liberty" when they travel.So let's get this straight: the high school is basically saying that if an illegal alien makes the next team (there are no illegals on the current team), and if that team travels to Arizona and the illegal alien gets involved in an altercation with the police and is asked for ID, and is found to be an illegal alien, and is deported, that represents a threat to the hypothetical illegal alien's "safety and liberty"?
"The selection of a varsity basketball team for the 2010-2011 winter athletic season will take place in November, 2010. The team has yet to be selected," the statement read. "We cannot commit at this time to playing at a venue where some of our students’ safety or liberty might be placed at risk because of state immigration law."
The minister also said an investigation would be launched to establish the cause of the crash but he ruled out a terrorist attack.How could anything be ruled out at this point? Offhand, the plane was a Libyan-owed African Airlines craft hauling mainly Europeans. The LIFG terror group operates in the area, which used to be an AQ-affiliated group opposed to Qaddafi although recent stories suggest they've backed off AQ and gravitated towards the dictator. Does anyone ever leave AQ?
Images of the crash scene suggest that the plane went down “hard and fast.” According to Dutch sources the pilot radioed ahead to have ambulances ready at the airport. A passenger also “twittered” from the plane that he saw something wrong with one of the wings.Would like to see that tweet before it goes down the memory hole. If there was "something wrong with one of the wings" that could bring in non-mechanical explanation.
The sources said that as the pilot approached Tripoli International Airport, he took the plane off auto-pilot hoping to manually land the aircraft. He realized he was in trouble and tried to pull the plane up and turn the auto-pilot back on to give it another try, the sources said.Guess these were different Libyan sources than the ones who initially said the weather was "good". As to the autopilot explanation, not sure they are basing that on the CVR or something else. In America the investigative bodies usually release transcripts but recent crashes investigated by BEA have not featured such transparency. So we'll see.
Some pundits could remain as political analysts. (I'm not crazy, am I?) There is insight to be gained from the dark, secret knowledge they hold from their decades pacing the political corridors. But let's not mistake the gallery for the game.In other words Donna Brazile, "a Democratic strategist and campaign manager for Al Gore's presidential bid in 2000, is a frequent on-air contributor to CNN, NPR and ABC.." could stay to provide that important dark political information to help the gullible masses understand.
With so many voices clamoring for attention on blogs, on cable, on talk radio, it can be difficult, at times, to sift through it all; to know what to believe; to figure out who’s telling the truth and who’s not. Let’s face it, even some of the craziest claims can quickly gain traction. I’ve had some experience with that myself.This same man went to war with Fox News while asking citizens to rat out their neighbors over passing fishy emails about a health care bill Congress couldn't even understand. He's perhaps the most publicly judgmental president in recent memory. As they say, just sayin'.
In addition to her bemoaning the fact that the Socialist Party could not get off the ground in the early 20th century, Kagan further identifies one of the 'common enemies' of Socialists--the Christian Church.No surprise there, both represent a god figure--one the god of government and other, God. But we'll leave it to her to explain her religious beliefs if she so desires. Of more import is her disappointment that sectarianism scuttled the 20th century socialism movement. Wonder what she thinks of things in 2010?
“We’re now dealing with international terrorists,” he said, “and I think that we have to think about perhaps modifying the rules that interrogators have and somehow coming up with something that is flexible and is more consistent with the threat that we now face.”Why Jake Tapper wouldn't push back on the odd notion that somehow the Attorney General has just recently noticed the international component of terrorism is puzzling, especially since Holder was at Justice when they sentenced US citizen Ali Mohammed for helping bin Laden, but nevertheless this has political stunt written all over it. But it also has desperation written all over it.
"You're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't always rank all that high on the truth meter," Obama said at Hampton University, Virginia.How about the irony meter? The lecturer-in-chief continued:
He bemoaned the fact that "some of the craziest claims can quickly claim traction," in the clamor of certain blogs and talk radio outlets. "All of this is not only putting new pressures on you, it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."Certainly he doesn't mean this blog, but new pressures? To what, gain the truth from sources who aren't functioning as arms of the government? Sounds a wee bit Chavezish, as if he's setting the tone for disarming those crazy truth benders. Shall we prepare for "Mr. Ayers in the Neighborhood" in the old Beck time slot?
Iranian animosity grew when Egypt backed Saddam Hussein's Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88). Approximately two thirds of Egypt's military exports went to support Iraq during the war. Concurrently, the Islamic Republic began celebrating the martyrdom of Khaled al-Islambuli, the army officer executed for the assassination of Egypt's President Sadat on October 6th, 1981. Shortly after President Sadat's assassination, Iran issued an official postage stamp bearing Islambuli's image, named one of Tehran's main thoroughfares in his honor, and posted a large scale mural on the side of a prominent building in Tehran, memorializing Islambuli as hero of the global Islamic resistance movement. Egypt also maintains that for years, Iran has been sheltering fugitive "members of violent Islamist organizations" convicted by Egyptian courts (Al-Ahram Jan.15-21, 2004).Fast forward to the anthrax letters. The text used the old familiar chant heard in Tehran--"death to America, death to Israel". The FBI tried to dampen this by claiming Dr. Ivins left a message in the letters by darkening or overwriting several letters in the message, but this hardly seems conclusive since a few 'o' s are clearly overwritten that were not counted. Otherwise their lone wolf theory is quite solid (except for someone actually seeing him make or mail the powder) but like everything else to do with this war nothing is ever 100 percent solid.
AHMADINEJAD: Our position is quite clear. Some journalists have said Bin Laden is in Iran. These words don't have legal value. Our position towards Afghanistan and against terrorism is quite clear.The entire interview sounded like a conversation off a message board. Wonder if A'jad is out there in cyberspace somewhere, debating anonymously, maybe on Sean Hannity's site? He argues just like some American liberal college professors.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Is it true or not?
AHMADINEJAD: Maybe you know, but I don't know.
STEPHANOPOULOS: I'm asking you. You're the President of Iran.
AHMADINEJAD: I don't know such a thing, you are giving news which is very strange.
STEPHANOPOULOS: So, let me ask it a different way. If you did know that Osama bin Laden was in Tehran, would you show him hospitality? Would you expel him? Would you arrest him?
AHMADINEJAD: I heard that Osama bin Laden is in the Washington, D.C.
STEPHANOPOULOS: No, you didn't.
AHMADINEJAD: Yes, I did. He's there. Because he was a previous partner of Mr. Bush. They were colleagues in fact in the old days. You know that. They were in the oil business together. They worked together. Mr. Bin Laden never cooperated with Iran but he cooperated with Mr. Bush--