Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Around the horn

Various and Sundry..

How long before COPS gets a hold of this?
The Incredible Hulk is now a Los Angeles County sheriff's department reserve deputy. Lou Ferrigno, who's 54, was sworn in during a ceremony Monday night. He tells The Associated Press his father had been a New York City police officer, and he's always had a high respect for officers.
Not gonna take long before he goes green in that place.

Zacarious Moussaoui. Poor guy. He's trying to be controversial, but it just ain't working, not with Saddam still in the picture. Still he tries, taking a shot at the judge today, "I am al Qaeda. I am your sworn enemy". I bet he was lots of fun at parties. Reminds me of that Francis character in Stripes.

What a sterling example of faith this guy is setting. I'm sure some will blame his imbibing on the pressures of his sexuality. But you know, as Paul said, not everyone can do it. Or thereabouts.

This was either due to the cartoons,
or maybe it was that dang Monopoly contest again.

Here's to red-heads, the most mocked, scorned, trashed white folk on earth. Especially if they were once step-children.

DHS has a new "Cheney Alert System". Color-coded, too!

Some folks hate Valentines Day. Maybe they don't understand the true meaning.

It's a crazed world. Oh well, happy Birthday Dad.

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