"(CNN) -- The campaign contributor accidentally shot and wounded by Vice President Dick Cheney..." Actually not the headline, but the lead-in. The story goes on to make a big deal the victim was a Bush contributor, perhaps to suggest the man was complicit in this obvious cover-up.
"(Fox News) -- Press Attacks" Sorta like Mars attacks. Hey wait, isn't Fox a member of the press, too? The headline should read, "Rest of Press Attacks"
"(MyWay News) -- Bush Knew Saturday about Hunting Accident" The (child born out of wedlock). Is there nothing Dick Bushalliburton won't try to cover up? (Note, this was an AP originated story).
"(Editor and Publisher) -- Reporters Press McClellan on Delay in Reporting Cheney Shooting Incident" Same allegation as the above story. The liberal media are a bunch of morons. There, I've said it.
"(Reuters) -- White House Under Fire after Cheney Shooting Incident" Gotta admit, that's kinda funny.
"(AFP) Cheney Accidently Shoots Hunting Partner" What? I thought the French hated Bush??? How can they have the most accurate headline of all? I demand an investigation and boycott!
And finally..
"(Scrappleface) -- Cheney Shoots Hunter, Repeals 2nd Amendment" without comment..
edit..removed cuss word, per demand of the boss. after all, this is valentine's day..
It's hard to recall seeing anything quite so unhinged as how some in the MSM and left are reacting to this accident.
For example, here's a completely irresponsible WAG from one of the bigger lefty sites in Tennessee, insinuating Cheney was drunk. And we can always count on Arianna, can't we?
If God forbid this gentleman were to die, I bet the elite media wouldn't even bother to interview his family or friends in tripping over themselves to figuratively jab Cheney's head onto a pike.
The definition of unhinged here applies to those who would immediately forecast all kinds of evil conspiracies without the slightest supporting fact, as opposed to others who are just curious as to why the story wasn't immediately distributed to press outlets.
Sadly, one of the considerations for politicians in this day and age is how the press might react to something as innocent as a hunting accident, as evidenced today. We do need to consider Marlin Fitzwater's opinion , since he's walked the walk. But he wasn't there, either.
It's possible the liberal-leaning press would've made this a big story even if they'd been briefed from the tall grass seconds after gunfire. Cheney probably considered it a private matter--it wasn't like he shot a war protester or environmental activist, rather he shot a fellow evil republican. Probably figured nobody would care. Still, Bush needs to address this with the press and put this tempest back into its teapot.
AND ON WE GO 2/15/06
Check out this headline: "Top Democrats urge Cheney come forward on shooting"
The phrase "come forward" used in this context suggests Cheney is covering criminal or unethical behavior with this accident. First off, the democrats have access to the accident report, just like the rest of us. Second, politicizing the accidental shooting of this man borders on sleazy.
Cheney might be waiting until the man recovers before taking any questions from the press. If he allows a press conference on the pretext of the accident it will likely turn into a free-for-all about his role in the war, etc, and they know it.
Vice President Cheney popped out of his secure location today to answer questions about the accidental shooting. Surely it frosted the mainstream press he went to Fox, and it won't do much to silence the maddening crowd.
But let's not kid ourselves here. The real reason the press corp went ballistic was probably because they saw a "Cheney in the headlights" moment coming...a chance to interview the Veep about the shooting followed by probing questions about Iraq and the War on Terra in general. Witness Chucky:
"The vice president hasn't had a press conference in three and a half years and he ought to have one to clear the air not only on this issue, but more importantly on the many other issues that have been shrouded by a veil of secrecy," Schumer said in a statement.I think Cheney should do a press conference. It might make the dems and media realize they should be careful what they wish for.
David Ignatius is so far off base he's at the hot dog stand:
Nobody died at the Armstrong Ranch, but this incident reminds me a bit of Sen. Edward Kennedy's delay in informing Massachusetts authorities about his role in the fatal automobile accident at Chappaquiddick in 1969.Lord, what can one say? Remember the pale, David. You passed it miles ago.
More stellar headlines: "Cheney's troubles far from over" and "Hunting Mishap Pushes Cheney's Bigger Problem From Public View - for Now"
Yep, the disappointment is written all over their face. But the AP is crafty. Instead of finding some unhinged democrat to tell their story, they found a GOP:
The hunting accident "really has gotten Scooter Libby out of the press," said Deb Gullett, a GOP activist from Phoenix, who is chief of staff to the city's mayor. "But it will come back."Unless AP's Ron Fournier misquoted her, the Republicans should fire this woman. Scooter Libby has been in the headlines since 2003, and people have the same level of disinterest now as they had then. Most people don't even know who he is. That's not to say there's no scandal, just that anyone who believes this hunting story knocked some more important story out of the top spot is either exercising wishful thinking or is comepletely out of touch with reality, probably both.
As we've seen, the coverage has exposed much more about the people covering Cheney than it has the Vice President himself.
His opinion is hardly unreasonable and he didn't jump on the pile, but his blaming the lack of immediate candor on "secrecy" is funny. His own administration had elaborate spin teams manhandling every event along with a press corp who voted for him.
"The story goes on to make a big deal the victim was a Bush contributor, perhaps to suggest the man was complicit in this obvious cover-up."
Can you imagine what would be said, if the guy was a DNC contributor?
By the way, good job, sir.
Can you imagine what would be said, if the guy was a DNC contributor?
Heh, good thing it wasn't Leahy. I guess.
And thanks for the props. Likewise, sir.
Umm, I did not insinuate. I made the explicit argument.
If you have another explanation for the bizarreness of the VP's behavior, why don't you offer it?
I could say you were drunk when you wrote that post, and give you a reasoned argument as to why, egalia, but that doesn't make it true.
As to his "behavior", all I can say is hunting accidents happen. People fall out of stands and occasionally get shot. Sometimes crazy Vietnamese guys come along and take pot shots for no reason.
The only scandal here is that he didn't have a valid license.
Unless the Texas Park and Wildlife Dept is lying, Cheney was not drunk.
You evidently do not read your own posts, because your post has insinuation, written all over it. It's amazing how people on the left can get a crazy rumor and run with it like it's gospel, without taking a few minutes of time and verifying it with credible sources.
But I know why you do. And you do too.
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