"White House ordered to release spy papers"
A federal judge ordered the Bush administration on Thursday to release documents about its warrantless surveillance program or spell out what it is withholding, a setback to efforts to keep the program under wraps.Let's change the headline to "federal judge demands to see all national security secrets because Bush is well-known liar and there's not really a war on."
"Annan says US should close Gitmo prison"
The United States should allow "a full and independent investigation" at Guantanamo and also give the United Nations access to other detention centers, including secret ones, in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, Nowak said by telephone from his office in Vienna, Austria.One question, if it's a secret prison (which means nobody has seen it) how does he know there's a higher risk of anything?
"We want to have all information about secret places of detention because whenever there is a secret place of detention, there is also a higher risk that people are subjected to torture," he said.
"More Abu Ghraib Prison Abuse Photos Leaked"
blah, blah, blah, America bad, blahMight as well have shown them buck naked exposing tatoos of Mohammed on their posteriors while flushing Korans down the toilet.
"Iraqis say Saddam could exploit Abu Ghraib images"
"This is evidence that Saddam was ruling the country with justice. We did not see any Iraqi being tortured in his time."Well, it's nice to see Baghdad Bob is getting out these days.
Keep in mind the enemy who started this conflict never allows their detainees to consult lawyers before head separation activities, much less get a day in court. The law they DO recognize emanates from their Holy Book, the same one used to justify the head chopping. They explode concealed bombs in cities killing women and children rather than soldiers.
Others believe justice is done by spraying chemical gas or invading neighbor countries to pillage, rape and steal. Still others believe their neighbors have no right to exist at all.
"Impeaching Bush is a cause worth fighting for, actor says"
"Unless you are willing to accept torture as part of a normal American political lexicon, unless you are willing to accept that leaving the Geneva Convention is fine and dandy, if you accept the expansion of wiretapping as business as usual, the only way to express this now is to embrace the difficult and perhaps embarrassing process of impeachment."Nothing like fighting for the cause, Mr. Hooper.
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