Unless she's developing Stockholm Syndrome or has switched sides of her own free will, she's probably doing whatever it takes to get out.
However, getting her out continues to be a game of street level chicken. The kidnappers busted their initial deadline, however the Coalition was wrangling with a decision to release some Iraqi women from lockup at the same time. This suggested some contact between the two parties.
However, when only a few of the female detainees were released from Abu Ghraib (accompanied by a terse statement reitorating our policy against negotiating with terrorists), Ms. Carroll dropped off the scope.
There was always the possibility a backroom deal was made, perhaps to release some in January and more in February to make it look good, whereupon the prisoners would be swapped. But that's pretty risky, since any impression we are negotiating would not only be enormously embarrassing but would spur more kidnappings.
So she's back on al Jazeera with the original demand. If there is no deal, it seems likely we'll be forced to push them to another deadline, this time on the 26th. Doubtful she'll get another reprieve, since failing to follow through would make these terrorists look pretty weak. Not a pleasant situation.
Having said all that, we shouldn't count these guys out yet.
I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that she was in on this. It could all be a ruse as part of a leftist plot to get these women prisoners released.
But then again, I could be wrong.
My thoughts keep going to the German hostage who pocketed some of her ransom loot. So it's possible.
But if Carroll is involved she's a cold hearted bird--her translator was killed in the ambush.
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