The timing of the destruction of the Shi'ite Shrine is most interesting. Let's not forget the 'Saddamites' in this.
Determining the motive isn't hard since anyone can see it was designed to flare a civil war. Determining the culprits is a little harder. Somehow this doesn't appear the work of devout Muslims, even of Sunni variety. The Shrine was a landmark. Also, the attack was not a suicide:
Though no casualties were reported in the blast, the bombing was the most destructive attack on a major shrine since the U.S. invasion,We hear that some Shia are calling it Iraq's 9/11, and surely that's exactly what the perps hoped for.
So let's sum up. The Shia-dominated Iraqi government recently hinted the Butcher might just die a little sooner than previously indicated. Surely this news sounded the alarm bells in al-Douri's headquarters, therefore suggesting the attack was the work of AQ mujahadeen under control of Zarqawi, acting at the behest of Saddamites. After all, it's not gonna be easy to process Saddam off to meet Allah with a civil war going on.
You know what is striking, to me anyway, was the Iraqi's first thought was "Al-Quiada"!! Just like most of us thought on 9-11! But in a way maybe this might be a good thing. Now hear me out before you get on me lol, they didnt think it was us #1, I thought that was wonderful since they "Used to" Think it was "Us" all the time. Which shows me they dont look at "Us" as "The enemy" anymore :-).But this also forces Iraqi's to make a choice, let Al-Quiada run thier country or THEY run thier country #2!! And they are really out in protest on this which is understandable, but I see the President of Iraq calling for some form of calm, and I dont think this is going to turn into a civil war, I think this just backfired on Zarqowi real bad and if someone knows where that moron is? I see him getting killed or captured in the next few weeks. Now you can pound me lol.
No, that's a good point. For the first time we weren't blamed first. Everyone just assumed Zarqawi did it. Only Iran claimed otherwise.
Still, I think Saddam's Saddamites have just as much motive here as anyone. As to starting a civil war, maybe not, but if indeed al-Douri's men are behind this they won't stop with the dome. There are other targets, Sistani being one of them. Saddam's time is running out. We'll see.
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