Around the other side of the world we have Russia turning back into a dictatorship and Iran announcing an underwater secret weapon designed to kill my family members currently serving in the Navy. Saddam is still alive, and General Clark says we're 'on a path to nowhere'.
In the halls of academia we have self-styled climatological Paul Reveres yelling, "the warming is coming, the warming is coming". Not only coming, but past the tipping point of no return. Ready to hide in the closet yet? Whoops, been there. Had to visit one tonight after the tornado sirens went off. Damn global warming.
The media lives for this stuff. Take the story about the new Public Service ad about global warming telling us we're to blame for killing the planet, mainly because we had the temerity to drive to work and turn the heat above 60. Makes me wonder if they know about that unnecessary roadtrip I took back in college? The ad tries to make its point by showing a little girl about to be flattened by a 10,000 ton train.
But even if that guilts you into pulling out your old Schwinn to get to work tomorrow consider this:
Even if today the world suddenly stops producing greenhouse gases, temperatures will rise 1 degree by 2050, according to NCAR.In other words, even if everyone gets on the Schwinn the built-in lag in CO2 would cause global warming anyway. A warm fuzzy, indeed. Matter of fact, peruse the article and you'll find no suggested solutions to stop the warming juggernaut, only heaps of guilt. One scientist even said:
But those efforts "are not going to change us from an irreversible course to a reversible one," said Walsh. "What you really want to say is: 'You can't go on like this. We can't go on like this.'""There's no place like home, there's no place like home". Nope, that doesn't work, either. You might ask, what does our nation's leading climate and weather organization have to say about all of this? The official line goes something this this:
"We know that the global climate is changing. We also know that this is, in at least some part, due to human causes. The NOAA-wide climate program is working to increase our knowledge of the forces that are changing our planet and shed more light on remaining questions. The more we know about our planet, the more we understand how its component natural systems interrelate"I don't see any "call to action" there. But maybe that's a good thing, since everytime the government springs into action things usually turn into costly failures. Whatever NOAA decides to do, let's hope they don't put this guy in charge of anything.
Perhaps they could hire George Will. Speaking of old George, that brings me to my point. Baseball season starts today, and that means everything is right with the universe...

Well, unless you mention Barry Bonds...
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