California's state senators on Thursday endorsed Monday's boycott of schools, jobs and stores by illegal immigrants and their allies as supporters equated the protest with great social movements in American history.Wow. Don't they know the entire country sans American Indians are "immigrants" or descendents thereof? By the way, illegals might work hard, but they don't have the market cornered on hard work. Besides, those opposing illegal immigration aren't mad about work ethic, they're mad about law breaking.
By a 24-13 vote that split along party lines, the California Senate approved a resolution that calls the one-day protest the Great American Boycott 2006 and describes it as an attempt to educate Americans "about the tremendous contribution immigrants make on a daily basis to our society and economy."
Just take a gander at these unbelievable quotes from California, and keep in mind, these people are elected officials:
Sen. Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles, likened the debate over immigrant rights to the fights over slavery, women's suffrage, the internment of Japanese during World War II, and the Vietnam War.Uh, the Vietnam War?
America wouldn't have been created without illegal action, said Sen. Richard Alarcon, D-Van Nuys. "They dumped a bunch of tea in Boston harbor, illegally. God bless them," he said.Sounds like this man is suggesting a revolution.
Several senators equated the protest with the civil rights movement of the 1960s and other major events in American history. Segregation was ended in part because of the public bus boycott by blacks in Montgomery, Ala., in 1955, said Romero.Perhaps he's right. Boycotts can often be effective. Citizens, including legal immigrants, should use May 1 to boycott businesses requiring people to choose English to conduct business or commerce. They should flood their congressmen with emails and calls demanding a plan to get control of the borders. They should demand people espousing Atzlan-type plans be tried under sedition laws or deported.
This is not about hating Mexicans. Heck, who could hate Salma Hayak? This is about keeping immigration orderly and maintaining respect for the rule of US law.
Oh, one more thing. Let's see those American businessmen and women who hire illegals and pay em under the table stand up, too! Get out there Monday and walk with the masses--identify yourselves and be proud. Maybe make a sign or two.
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