Because the entire brouhaha surrounding Plamegate centers on whether Saddam represented a threat or not. Bush has been thoroughly lambasted for both the 16 words in the State of the Union and the subsequent release of intelligence information in an effort to refute contentions from people like Joe Wilson. The MSM will largely ignore this underlying premise in their focus on Fitzgerald's legal proceedings, but if the DOCEX releases continue to prove Bush right the public may not.
For example, the Weekly Standard focuses on a recent release that purportedly shows Saddam was recruiting suicide bombers for targets all around the world--before the war. This type of thing has come out before, but the conventional wisdom from US intelligence was that secular Ba'athists would not associate themselves with the suicide vest set. Such a notion was disproven after the war morphed into the insurgency, but the explanation was that the regime was trying to defend itself in any way possible.
Some may also claim the same for this revelation, ie, Saddam knew we were coming and was only trying to recruit volunteers to help save the regime. However, it would poke large holes in the previous assessment that Bin Laden and Saddam were incapable of team play.
Of course, with so many democrats packed onto the Bush lied bus, anything sinister bubbling out about Saddam tends to be negative. Everyone knows their great hope is to retake Congress in November, whereupon they might have enough political capital to start impeachment proceedings. They have no choice but to stick with the program, but it's possible the republicans are sucking them into a dead end alley.
Everytime a bomb is dropped in the Plamegate or NSA case, another document dribbles out suggesting, for example, that somebody in the Mukhabarat was seen talking to a jihadist. That gives credence to the notion that team Bush/Cheney was only trying to defend themselves against Kerry-voting political hacks in the press or career intelligence analysts trying to cover their back sides.
In the end they realize Bush's case will be decided in the court of public opinion. Like Clinton, if the people don't want him removed, he won't be removed--no matter which side has power. If documents suggest Saddam was plotting against America, even without WMD stockpiles, there is no way the public will advocate impeachment over Plamegate or NSA surveillance.
The talked-about summit between US Iraq Ambassador Khalilzad and members of the Iranian governent was scheduled for today, but apparently the Iranians forgot to show up.
Perhaps they were too busy preparing their statement strongly condemning the latest Shi'ite Mosque bombing. Or maybe this hyperventilating headline from ABC News was cause to stay in Tehran for a celebratory smoke.
Speaking of smoke, the Saddam trial pressed ahead even as smoke from the latest mosque attack swirled over Baghdad. Saddam has actually admitted sentencing all those people in Dujail to death, but maintains he had the authority--after all he was the dictator and they were trying to kill him. And hey, he did provide them with a lawyer, but I guess one was all they could spare at the time.
Khalilzad also admitted to something interesting. Apparently his team has been in negotiatons with members of the insurgency:
Zalmay Khalilzad, who was appointed US ambassador last June, would not specify which groups had been engaged in the talks.Which are one and the same, by the way. Apparently he's referring to the Sunni groups not tied to al-Douri/Zarqawi and their Shura Council. The story goes on to say the Iraqi government got intelligence regarding the latest wave of attacks on mosques and was able to issue an unprecedented warning. That sounds as if they're trying to work the moderate Sunni groups against the Saddamist groups. It might be the only hope left to stand up a government.
But he ruled out any discussions with Saddamists or terrorists seeking a "war on civilisation", taken to mean Ba'ath loyalists or extremists linked to al-Qaida.
SEA STORY? 4/9/06
The Captain takes the revelations in the above document and puts them together with the "Atta in Prague" story to create a facsinating what-if scenario. True or not, it's certainly interesting that Saddam would be tapping his grounded air force for kamakazi volunteers. Why not use the Fedayeen? Well, perhaps because none of them had any significant time in the left seat of a jet aircraft.
The approaches used to fly into the Penatgon and Capitol or White House are more difficult than just straight and level into the WTC towers. AQ might have also figured there would be more resistance around DC from either fighters or anti-aircraft.
The naysayers are already pushing back (read the comments) so it appears the Captain might be striking raw nerve. As one favorable commenter said, it would be interesting to scour the Iraqi Air Force files for photographs of their pilots just to see if any bore resemblances to the 19. Nice idea, but probably a fruitless endeavor if this particular version of history turns out to be correct.
MORE 4/9/06
The WaPo has blown the lid on an alleged US Military Zarqawi Psyops program. The effort was intended to drive a wedge between the Sunnis and the Saddamists by leveraging hatred towards a foreign presence. But while Zarqawi's overblown persona was certainly questionable to many, to splash the details across the front page of a main US paper seems wrong-headed. What's the goal?
If they used Zarqawi it was only to help us win, presumably something everyone still desires, right? Meanwhile, the enemy has tighter operational security making it more difficult for the press to crack their modus operandi, should they actually aspire to. But make no mistake, we've seen nothing but a steady stream of propaganda from al Qaeda, the Saddamists, and the Iranian-backed groups.
Case in point, several ex-regime figures have reportedly died only to resurface later somewhere else. The kidnap groups have spouted nothing but unadulterated BS, and Bin Laden and Zawahiri talk in riddles and code. As Zacarious Moussauoi recently alluded, it's permissible to lie for jihad.
Someone with experience in the Middle East, Winston Churchill, once said, "In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." His words apply today just as much as they did then, but today's press would portray him as evil.
Captain Ed had that DOCEX doc translated by two independent translation services, and they both confirm what the general said. The Cap'n is shocked that nobody seems to be paying attention. Doesn't he know the Saddam story they care about right now is this one?
PAP and STUFF 4/11/06
Peter Spaulding epitomizes the common leftie of today. He clearly sees the failures on the ground in Iraq, but refuses to see progress, vision, or cause. As to the past, it's best described as 'eyes wide shut'. Sure Saddam is laughing, Mr. Spaulding, but only because we're letting him win the mother of all battles.
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