Nutrition experts who compared 30 human meals with 15 pet foods discovered that Gourmet Gold cat food, with 2.9 grams of fat per 100 grams, was not only eight times less fatty than pieces of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) which had 23.2 grams of fat per 100 grams and 1.9 grams of salt.Lest you think this is a hatchet job on KFC, the article goes on to say:
Researchers also found that the level of fat was far lower than a McDonald’s Big Mac burger and a Pizza Hut meal.The article is pretty hazy on where the study was done and whether it was peer-reviewed, etc, but based on past stories about global warming, etc, nobody seems to care much about that stuff.
So, as the researchers said, "It would not do a human any harm to eat this cat and dog food.". Bon Appetite!
I didn't delete all the comments. I'm experimenting with Haloscan, which disappears all the old Blogger comments when installed. The comments are still alive, they're just buried in the individual post pages right now. I'm not computer-savvy enough to figure out how to easily transfer them.
FIXED 4/2/06
The blogger comments have been successfully transferred to the new system, at least on the front page. Previous pages will have to wait.
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