But was there a method to her madness? After all, it turned out a win-win for the government--they got their verdict and the top-gun FAA security experts stayed home. Perhaps she'll secretly get one of those on-the-spot-awards.
Speaking of Zacarious "can't touch this jihadi" Moussaoui, he'll now move into another phase of his everlasting sentencing trial. Word is he's lining up his defense, which was taken right out of the playbook of a street punk:
Defense attorneys will seek to introduce mitigating factors such as Moussaoui's troubled childhood and evidence that he is mentally unstable, court documents showWell, even a five-year old could see he's mentally unstable, although it seems a tad late to bring it up since the judge has already allowed him to play pretend lawyer for part of the case.
As to using a 'troubled childhood' argument, if he actually pursues it he'll lose any hope of getting his picture on the Mujahadeen Wall of Fame, wherever that might be. No self-respecting Jihadist would ever argue the reason he's willing to kill infidels for Allah was due to a screwed up childhood leading to mental illness.
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