"We fought hard to obtain this video because we felt that it was very important to complete the public record with respect to the terrorist attacks of September 11," said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a group that sued for the release of the video.As conspiracies go, this one was always pretty lame. It'll be interesting to see if this quells the tide or goes over about as convincingly as the recent British government report on UFOs. For the hard core group pushing this stuff, my guess is the latter.
"Finally, we hope that this video will put to rest the conspiracy theories involving American Airlines Flight 77," he said in a statement.
The video will appear here, and is also here.
From preliminary views from Fox News coverage I tend to agree with Judge Napolitano in that this video is liable to spur on the conspiracists.
One Pentagon survivor said:
Tom Bortner, a Pentagon attack survivor, said he thinks the speed of the plane is what prevented the attack from being captured on more surveillance cameras on the premises.Unfortunately, Barbara Olsen was not available for comment. But this sounds correct, since reports indicate the aircraft was travelling over 400 knots on impact. That would make it near impossible to discern from a half second increment, limited focal length camera.
Seems to me there's an easier way to prove this was flight 77. The FBI probably holds FAA radar tapes made on 9/11 as evidence somewhere. Although the jihadi pilots had turned off the plane's transponder, the "primary target" would have appeared on FAA radar and could be identified as a blip coming low from the west and arcing in towards the Pentagon.
Funny that some of the same folks who readily believe a missile hit the Pentagon with very little evidence won't consider that a missile could have hit TWA Flight 800 in 1996 despite hundreds of witnesses and a peculiar government explanation.
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