Clark was back in the news again Tuesday, stating fantastic things about the Saddam trial, which is scheduled to restart May 15th. In a press conference disguised as a plea for more legal prep time, ole Rammer attempted to steal home:
..Clark leveled accusations at the White House, which he said is using the tribunal "to vindicate its invasion, to validate occupation and to make the world believe that the Iraqi people demanded that Saddam Hussein and other leaders in his government be executed." He added in a written statement, "The trial is clearly the planned continuation of the essentially unilateral war of aggression waged by the Bush administration against Iraq.".Maybe he's auditioning for a job on the New York Times editorial staff. But wait, there was more:
Though Clark did not request a specific change of venue for the Hussein trial, he suggested that Hussein may have a better shot at a fair trial in the United States.Tell me, how is such a thing even remotely possible under our current fascist government? Let's let him explain:
The U.S. court system holds promise, Clark said, because a federal jury recently declined to issue a death sentence to Zacarias Moussaoui, the al Qaeda operative who pleaded guilty to having a connection to the September 11, 2001, attacks.Holds promise, Mr. Clark? The Florence Supermax is getting close to being called a terrorist cell at this point. Maybe he's talking about the OJ and Baretta trials?
Of course he's suggesting the Moussaoui jury chose life and thwarted a cruel adminstation prosecutor from unfairly killing a terrorist. But life's a long song for a 37 year old, and it's pretty obvious it ain't gonna be a cake walk based on the super-jihadi's "dear judge, please kill me" backpeddling do-over request.
It's kinda pointless, but so is this blog, so I'll pursue this matter ever further. Mr. Clark, it's not like the jury gave Moussaoui life while ignoring the fact he filled up mass graves, attempted to kill one of our former heads of state, executed unilateral and unprovoked attacks against four soveriegn nations, and directed planes loaded with poisons to gas some of his own countrymen. I'd wager the same jury would have sentenced Moussaoui to several thousand volts for doing what Saddam has done. So, bring it on.

But Ahmadinejad's handlers are somewhat smarter than Saddam, so they decided to lay on a little more butter. Matter of fact at times it was so thick it's amazing Bush could hold the darn thing in his hands. Here's a little snippet for demonstration purposes:
"I have been told that Your Excellency follows the teachings of Jesus (Peace be upon him) and believes in the divine promise of the rule of the righteous on Earth," Ahmadinejad wrote Bush, who has said that Christ is his favorite philosopher.."Your excellency"? That's not gonna win many points with Cindy Sheehan, but surely she understands that sometimes ya gotta lie for jihad. It get's worse. Dear Mr. Fantasy eventually lectured Bush on history, democracy, war, peace, lust, greed and the Shah. All from a state that's probably figured in more terrorism attacks against America than any other.
The letter's intended effect, similar to all such stunts, was not to butter up Bush but rather the American liberal 'can't we all just get along' press and perhaps some young sane people in his own country. Judging by this article, and this one, and this, it would seem to be making inroads. But there's hope yet. And thank heaven for the blogosphere and Steven Emerson.
Er, by the way, wonder if it's a coincidence that HAMAS and Fatah decided to set aside their differences on Tuesday so they can concentrate all their efforts on pushing Israel into the sea again? And for that we gave them a nice fat cash award. It would seem diplomacy does pay.
SPEAKING OF.. 5/10/06
Always on Watch tips us to an op-ed from the Yemen Times blaming 9/11 on Bush and the "Zionists" and painting Clinton as a malcontent in the conspiracy. Oy vey.
Looking around it's hard to find much discussion of Iran's letter to Bush on the lefty blogs. Wonder if it's because of this passage:
"Those with insight can already hear the sounds of the shattering and fall of the ideology and thoughts of the liberal democratic systems,"It's a real problem for the left. This guy hates everything they love, yet they can't hammer him too hard for fear it helps Bush, whom they hate worse.
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