It may sound like science fiction, but the prospect that suicide bombers and hijackers could be made redundant by flying robots is a real one, according to experts. The technology for remote-controlled light aircraft is now highly advanced, widely available -- and, experts say, virtually unstoppable.Virtually is the key word, as eventually everything is stoppable. But until we get defense mechanisms the terrorists could do some major damage by acquiring some UAVs and loading them with weaponized anthrax or botchulinum and sprinkling it on a city. Just something else to worry about.
By the by, if you haven't paid attention to how far along the model airplane hobby has progressed, click the pic below, download the videos and be amazed. Keep in mind, this scale model is an actual jet!

Real ones, that is. This has nothing to do with attack drones or UAVs, but it DOES have to do with Memphis. Pajamas Media links to a neat little simulation of Federal Express planes landing in Memphis during a line of thunderstorms approaching the airport.
Operations like this should give the average person a healthy respect for the entire team of professionals running our National Airspace System every day, all the way from pilots to controllers to FAA/airline decision-makers to ground crews and right down to aviation meterorologists helping to make the call.
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