Mahmoud's been strutting around like Foghorn Leghorn making a spectacle of himself to distract from the real issues in play. It's really too bad Bush didn't oblige him of his debate challenge due to the humor potential, but everyone with a functioning brain stem understood the gig. Well, almost everybody. Remember, the last despot to challenge Bush to a debate was Saddam right before Operation Iraqi Freedom turned his biggest Oil For Food palace into a 3rd ID command post.
Ahmandinejad is a fool, but he's not stupid. His sanctions bluster is clearly designed to drive a wedge between the US and Europe in an effort to water down anything meaty the US and Britain might devise. Saddam tried to do likewise using bribery--Mahmoud is using Bush Derangement Syndrome. Ironically both tinhorns have used oil to leverage the Eurowussies, yet the American left thinks only Bush/Cheney bathe in black gold.
A'jad sees the personal attacks on our political leadership and he'd be truly stupid not to exploit the situation, just like Chavez has tried to do. He knows a dearth of attacks here has led the American people into a false sense of security while the war fatigue about Iraq grows stronger by the day--all of this according to script, by the way. He's established himself as the top commander in the Global War on Bush (GWB), which as we saw today is in full swing.
To his credit, Bush has been out rebuting Mahmoud in his own Texan way, yet he struggles to get any traction. A majority of people now think Iraq has nothing whatsoever to do with the GWoT, when only a few short years ago a majority believed that Saddam was behind 9/11. He's got very little political capital left in the change belt and this is working against us. The hearts and minds of the world are still up for grabs.
All this coupled with Hizballah's survival in Lebanon has allowed Mahmoud to remain arrogantly instransigent. Any meltdown of the UNSC on the sanctions represents the real line in the sand, and if history is any judge, he might have already won.
But obviously the real goal is a flopping of Congress later this year, which would make Bush a super lame duck while spending his remaining two years fending off impeachment inquiries, NSA hearings, and a night-of-the-living-dead MSM out for Bush blood. Meanwhile, the GWB coalition can only hope, since they really have few other options for long-term survival.
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