I just fired myself. The blog won't display in IE either, and don't have time to fix it now. Sorry for the sloppiness.
Still having trouble displaying IE. Firefox is fine. Need to reconstruct some things again or perhaps break down and consult a teenager.
In the news world, the Reuters photoshopping excursion should shatter any remaining faith in digitized news photos. The irony is the amount of added smoke was small compared to the damage done.
The MSM also had a banner day in another area. First there was an ABC story poking fun at those who still believe Saddam had WMDs, now we have a CNN story detailing a 'momentum' from some in academia who believe Bush blew up the Twin Towers. The story paints them in a rather moderate light, not kooky at all.
Compare and contrast to CNN's recent feature on the ten year anniverary of the downing of TWA 800. And just remember, in the latter the CIA, FBI and NSA were involved in the NTSB's probable cause finding, unprecedented.
Finally, you might have seen this going around email. Such a tiny speck we be.

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