Sunday, August 13, 2006

Ramsey Clark's international spin machine

The international ANSWER folks are at it again--this time organizing rallies in support of Lebanon. It's pretty obvious who they were really supporting, so let's not waste a lot of time here.

Ramsey Clark, who is always identified as Jimmy Carter's former Attorney General but rarely for his long affiliation with organized leftist peace groups, spoke at the Washington rally:
Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark [ed- see!]drew cheers from the Washington crowd when he called for President Bush's impeachment.

"We've made more enemies during the presidency of George Bush than in the rest of our history combined," Clark said.
Clark--working hard to free the dictator while advocating impeachment for the president. Apparently he had some time on his hands since Saddam's Anfal (Kurdish) gassing trial doesn't start until August 21st. Surely the innocent Kurdish workers greatly appreciate his assistance. Maybe they can hold a rally.

The speculation is he'll try to put Rumsfeld and Cheney on the hot seat for their previous dabblings during the Bush 41 years in an effort to embarrass Dubya, however speculation runs nil he'll attempt to do likewise with former officials from France and Russia.

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