Sunday, August 13, 2006

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, superstar

The creepiest new blog might belong to ole "wipe em off the map Mahmoud", as in Ahmadinejad.

Captain Ed hoisted the picture below and challenged folks to caption it, so here ya go. Get a load of the MS Paint craftsmanship on that comment bubble--the fauxtography crowd would surely be proud.

Meanwhile, Mike Wallace's interview of the budding star aired on national TV tonight. Lots of questions, but Mike left out a few. He should have asked whether Saddam had WMDs. He should have inquired on the whereabouts of bin Laden's son. He should have asked whether Iran pulled off the Khobar Towers attack, or if they ever retaliated for Iran Air 655. And he should have asked him about that August 22nd thing. But ok, it was 60 Minutes.

MORE 8/14/06

Gee, if this trend continues ole Mahmoud might be the only blogger left in Iran before too long.

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