A letter-writing campaign? What's next, sending Sandy Berger to the archives to personally delete all eight years of the Clinton White House?
Had Yousef and Yasin been successful in their bombing of the Trade Towers in 1993 the result would have made 9/11 look small by comparison. Death toll estimates have run as high as 200,000 based on one tower toppling over into the other one, which was their goal.
But this post isn't to point fingers, it's to acknowledge we are ONE nation, America. The government is ONE government, the US Government. The failure to stop these Islmo-nutcakes from deliberately killing us can be blamed on Presidents Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43, the CIA, FBI, US Congress, DoD, FAA, and a host of other bureuacrats too numerous to mention. But they didn't do it on purpose.
Not one of them had the luxury of knowing where, when and how 9/11 would occur. Many had inklings, but hurricane forecasters had inkings there would be a lot of storms this year, too. Inklings aren't actionable.
If someone tells you the changing president made any difference in the way the Feds acted they've likely never been associated with the Federal Government and don't know what the hell they're talking about.
Clinton, Albright, Berger and company need to take a deep breath. Their angst is understandable and maybe a scene or two needs to be changed. Fine, let's get them fixed, not scuttle the entire movie. The story of 9/11 CANNOT BE TOLD without exploring the rich history of terrorism in the 90s, starting with the Gulf War.
Today AQ issued a new tape showing some vintage footage before the attacks. Guess it represented their tribute, along with a plea for Islamic unity:
"Oh followers of (Taliban leader) Mullah Mohammed Omar, oh sons of (Al-Qaeda leader) Osama bin Laden, oh disciples of (slain Al-Qaeda in Iraq leader) Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi ... I urge each of you to kill at least one American within a period not exceeding 15 days," Muhajer said.Al-Zarqawi was running (with New Balance shoes) around with ex-Saddam intelligence agents, a relationship that didn't just pop up overnight. Remember, we were told the fundies and Saddamists couldn't stand each other. The story is complex.
Funny thing is, any further caterwauling or threats of pulling the plug on this film might just cause people to believe there was something to hide back then.
MORE 9/7/06
Drudge is saying the film might be pulled. But another story on his site says that Canadians largely blame American policies for 9/11. Let's follow that logic.
Since Bush was only in office 7 months prior to the attack, hardly enough time to get together a formidable foreign policy and had not yet attacked anyone, then it seems the headline should read as follows:
Get that Clintonista rapid response airbrush team up to the Great White North pronto!
The Dems are now threatening to have ABC's license pulled.
Their reaction passed 'over the top' awhile back and is now drifting towards 'something to hide' territory. Interestingly we've heard nothing from the Bush gang about this. It's really not their style, but I doubt anyone would be shedding tears if it was pulled.
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