He should have known there are a whole flock of poor Muslims with Kinkos cards who can crank out hundreds of protest signs at a moment's notice, all in English of course. He should have known they probably have stockpiles of gas soaked cloth likenesses of his eminency sitting around in warehouses in a pile next to Bush's. And he should have known that such protests attract at least as many cameras as Paris Hilton announcing her self-imposed celebacy.
In a nutshell Benedict's message was, "violence is incompatible with the nature of God", apparently a notion that when spoken outloud elicits a rather violent response from some in the religion of peace (or is it the religion of war?). But I dare anyone in their right mind to rationally disagree with his premise. Hey that reminds me, how many Mohammed dolls were burned in effigy during the 9/11 anniversary? I don't remember seeing any.
MORE 9/16/06
"This is not exactly a diplomatic pope." Indeed, one of his former nicknames was "God’s Rottweiller", surely a reflection of how people saw his adherance to the faith. In light of world events since September 11th, and knowing the Pope's background as they did, one has to wonder if the Vatican chose him for a reason.
"Reconciliation is not possible". Stating the obvious, perhaps, just like the cries for his head.
I wonder about the term "moderate Muslim". The use of such a descriptor has yet to incite howls of protest, but the fact we have to label some as moderate suggests there are large numbers who are not. No one would think of using such a term to denote Christians or Jews, since they largely refrain from violent outbursts in the practice of their faith. That, along with the reaction to the Pope's comment, should tell us something.
"I am deeply sorry for the reactions in some countries to a few passages of my address at the University of Regensburg, which were considered offensive to the sensibility of Muslims,"This, of course, wasn't the kind of apology the radicals wanted. They would have probably preferred something more along these lines,
"I am deeply sorry for suggesting that Islam is not a religion of peace, and take full responsibility for the violence that ensued because of my words. Hey, whaddya expect from an infidel?"Nah, not quite to the point, either. How about this,
"Sorry for shining the light of truth on the concept of 'convert or die'. We have nothing similar in Christianity, so if you'd rather think of God as love, as someone who always considers the murder of innocent people a sin, who considers women the same as men, and who saves us through His own grace, then please come join us."LAST 9/17
A moderate Muslim admits that rioting based on the Pope's comment proves his point.
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