Just trying to compete with the tabloids or MSM for headline writing. According to this Australian Mufti,
Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, the nation's most senior Muslim cleric, compared immodestly-dressed women who do not wear the Islamic headdress with meat that is left uncovered in the street and is then eaten by cats.The guy also blamed rape on the victims, apparently for not being veiled. We've seen this "she was asking for it" excuse before in the west, and it never works.
Besides, what defines 'immodestly-dressed'? Well, maybe ole Mufty thinks Terri Irwin, pictured above, is immodest because she leaves a few buttons open on her shirt, or doesn't wear a veil. Such nonsense shows how dangerous the "Sharia gone wild" radical Islamic ideology can be. Why the feminists of America are not 100 percent behind Bush in his efforts to stop these nuts is a mystery, but one that's easily solved.
There was an insightful piece posted a few days ago at Right Truth about the role male sexual frustration might play in spurring on radical Islam. In other words, these guys can't control their urges in a decadent and uninhibited world where their own women are still wrapped up like mummies. Not sure it explains everything, but it certainly might explain this story.
But that said, western society is not without sin. Freedom comes with responsibility and there's nothing wrong with practical modesty. We've lately been told by the sexperts that men think about it all the time, which was an increase over the last study that claimed it was every 11 seconds. I can neither confirm nor deny those figures.
But it's a powerful force indeed. The issue has even arisen in our local Tennessee Senate race over Harold Ford's trip to a Super Bowl party featuring Playboy bunnies, which the Corker campaign subsequently turned into a tacky commercial. I like how the Independent Conservative explained it:
Well every man should :D [like women]. But we do need to try and continually fight our fleshly desires for smut.Yes. It's a tough fight, but if we cut and run things usually get worse.
UPDATE 10/27/06
The male chauvinist Mufti is not backing down. He continues to insist women are generally fair game for any Muslim man on the street unless wrapped in a mummy costume.
Gotta hand it to John Howard. In 2005 he told the Muslims if they couldn't love Australia as is, they should leave. As we can see, at least one leader didn't listen. That's the kind of instransigence perpetrated by some within Islam, who feel it's their duty to change the world to their worldview. How long til we see Paris riots in the streets of Sydney?
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