Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Skowcroft vs Woodward

Brent Skowcroft, the MSM's critic du-jour of the Bush 43 regime, is now doubting the great Bob Woodward. That is, if we can believe the little link-blurb not yet made legitimate by the Washington Post or New York Times.

Woody (can I call him that?) was on O'Reilly Factor Monday Tuesday night. From what I could gather from trying to ferret out his comments amidst Bill's constant no-spin interruptions he didn't give the impression of someone ready to hang Bush from the nearest limb. He claims to be concerned about how our strategy is affecting the troops, and unlike others he once wore the uniform himself. Not the grunt kind, the Naval intelligence kind. He thinks it's FUBAR, but he's entitled to. Hey, maybe this is the solution!

Of course, if I were a real journalist I'd withhold opinion until after reading his book, which has yet to happen. But my initial impression from perusing some of the controversial excerpts is that Woodward may have ascribed a bit too much Vietnamization to the situation. Sure there are similarities--the left generally wants us to lose, the right can't find a way to win without casualties, and the enemy has studied our every blunder. We all know about the media. The screaming difference here is that the North Vietnamese never had any intention of coming here to kill us.

I do plan to read the book and report back, which I know must be thrilling to you all. I'm particularly intrigued with something attributed to Peter Pace. By the way, the photo above was not an action shot, rather a cheap pasting trick. There is no cloned hair, though. Fair and balanced, baby.

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